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Anti. He hasn't spoken to me in a day. Where is he? He's usually always talking, just like my thoughts. When did he talk to me last time? Did he say something when I was in the forest?

Anti? If you're there, please respond. Please.

I feel... Unsafe. Like a half of me went away. Does he not like me? More importantly, does he hate me that much that he just disappear without me knowing? Was I too innocent for him?

I feel like I should say something about him to Dark, but I can't trust him already. Says the guy who's clenched into him right now. Crap. But can you really blame me? Dark is a really handsome demon. I like how you can get lost in his eyes -I don't know if that means he has dreamy eyes or the fact that he's a demon and has red eyes- either way, lost. And I like it.

Another thing I'm confused about is what he's gonna show me. He isn't taking me to hell is he? 'Cause I'm a really good human, I don't deserve to go there.

Clenched into him, Dark says. "Loosen up, sweetheart, you're gonna get tiered believe it or not. Here." He places his hand under my behind, and his other hand behind my neck. I loosen my grip just a little, he almost drops me, which he laughs about, then picks me up like how the Disney princess get picked up by their princes. Except I'm not a princess... And he's a demon...

He slowly moves down, to my mother's room I guess. "What's going on? Why are you taking me to me mum's room?"

He shushes me and covers my eyes with some sort of clothing. I feel more air through my hair and pressure to the ground. Is this how flying feels like? Who am I kidding, I'm traveling through walls, that's much weirder. I suddenly don't feel that feeling anymore, like he stopped. "I'm gonna slowly remove the clothing, don't scream or do anything stupid, okay?" I feel the clothing loosen a bit, air quickly rushing to my eyes. I slowly open them, then opening them wider than I ever did.

In front of me, is my mother, except not my usual mother. She has a white pipe between her fingers, smoke coming out of her mouth. She's barely wearing clothes. And there's a man grinding on her.

You probably don't think it's a big deal, that everyone does this. But this is MY mum, the mother who taught me everything know, everything right, everything wrong. She said to never do anything with a girl unless I actually marry her, she said never to smoke. Ever. She told me that every girl who doesn't cover her skin properly, she's going straight to hell.

She lied about everything.

Tears are drowning my eyes while I push Dark to let me go. After that, I fall on the ground but I can't feel anything."Mum?" Her eyes, full of surprises and regret.

I don't feel anything.

"Jack? What are you doing here? I told you to go to sleep!"

I don't feel anything

"Listen kid, go to your room."

I don't feel anything.

"Jack, c'mon we gotta go." I hear Dark whisper while shaking my shoulder. (Keep in mind that Dark is invisible)

I don't feel anything.

He drags me to the door and places my hand there, opening it so it seems like I am doing so. He carries me to somewhere. I don't really care about anything.

I don't feel anything.

words~ 589




QOTC: How social are you?

AOTC: What is social?


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