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Pain stabs me in the head, making me shut my eyes closed in hurt. I groan and, very slowly, open my eyes, but instantly close them when I get hit by the brightness of the light.

"Shh, he's waking up." I hear a whisper, which makes the want to open my eyes grow. My head pains too much, I can't feel anything but hot and pain. I feel something else, another touch. It's on my cheek now, the claw. It slides from my cheek to the behind part of my left ear. "Seán, my precious. Wake up, please. It has been three days." I let out a sigh in response. I hear him chuckle.



After a long while, I actually wake up. But I don't want to talk to anybody. You know one of these days when someone wakes you up and you know you have to get up but just don't want to, and your body just doesn't move? Yeah, it's happening to me right now. I'm sitting on some bed that I don't care who it belongs to.

"Seán, I need you to answer me, are you okay? It's the first time I do this..."

I blink.

"Do what?"

"Bring a human to hell."

"I thought you brought Mark here?"

"No, Mark's dead, he lives in my brain now. He's kind of like a voice in my head. Sometimes he's really annoying but I manage. He can hear and watch everything I say and do."

Basically like Anti.

I miss my Anti. But I don't think I should tell Dark about him, maybe he'll look at me in a different way. I don't want that. "Wait so, if I'm in hell, does that mean I should stop being innocent?"

"Well, if you replace should with could, then yes. I don't know much about humans coming here. I don't know anything about your lord. By the way, father needs to see you, accept you, I mean."

"Oh, I didn't know you have a father?"

"Oh, no. It's, what you call, Satan. We do not really call him that, it's a sign of disrespect towards him. Kind of like if you call your father by his name, boss? Teacher? Anyone."


"Oh. Thanks for offending my lord."

"N-no, I-I-I'm just s-scared! What will he do if he doesn't accept me!? Should I be sinful!? I'M TERRIFIED!!"

"Baby, don't worry. He's not as scary as people put him to be. He just has some anger issues. Kinda like me. You'll love 'm, trust me. The prince will love you too. Trust me." I take two deep breaths. I'm not ready.

"Okay, first we're gonna need some changes to do with you. Don't worry, it won't be much. Just trust me."


Standing in front of the mirror, I smile. It's not as bad as I thought. The first thing that people¿ Demons¿ Will probably notice is my hair. It's dyed green, because apparently the prince likes the colour green. Dark made me wear some light make up on to show my 'precious pureness' according to his words.

Dark looks different, more scary than he was in Earth. Now, his right iris is red, as it was on Earth, but his left eyeball is black, and his iris is normally red, but there's this red liquid pouring out of it, kind of like red tears, except a bit more slimy and transparent red coloured. His fingers turned into claws, his wings grew in size and look stronger, with sharper edges, and his teeth are sharper than it was back home. His clothes changed into a black leather top and black what-seems-like jeans.

The house looked normal, except with weird sounds coming out of some doors he told me not to go to. The only rooms he allows me to go to is the living room, the guest room(which is where I slept for apparently three days) and the bathroom, which is where Dark did my make up.

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