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Dark's POV

"Jackie?" I stare at him, completely oblivious of why he's this much depressed. I have never had a mother, no demon has one. Demons just pop out of the lava in the birthing room, already know how to fly, talk and walk. We have a leader who's kind of a father figure, but we're too many for him to take care of us as children. He does have a son though, his son is the prince, the most powerful demon there is, even more powerful than his father. No one knows why he's the prince, there are rumours of him actually being born out of someone. "Can you speak to me?"

And yet he doesn't move a muscle. I figure this is a human thing, I don't get why humans like to be alone when their sad, shouldn't you want someone there to comfort you? To let you know you're not alone? I will never understand humans, but then again, it's Seán. Don't judge Seán.

After a while of staring into the nothingness, Seány finally opens his mouth. "Dark? What... What am I supposed to do now? I-... I Can't get the image out of my head... I feel like..." He sniffs, "I feel like my entire life has been a lie, like I can't trust anyone, not even my own mother. Go ahead, do whatever you wanted to do with me. Kill me, eat me, torture me. Do it. I don't care anymore."

"No... No, Jack. Don't be like that, please." I scoot over behind him, then drag my left leg to his left side, the right to his right side and hug him from behind. "I could never hurt you. Don't you ever even think about that. You are the thing I was after since who knows. I can't just give you up... You are the only thing I care about." I grab his hand, tingling our fingers together. I rest my head on his shoulder and whisper, "I'm always here."

A single tear drops on my pointer. I kiss it away and wipe his eyes with my left hand.

"This is a wonderful view.." He sniffs. I didn't even notice that.

"I'm always here."


Words ~ 367

Characters ~ 1855

Characters(With no space) ~ 1491


yes, I know "you take five months without updating and then you come back with a 300 worded chapter???" and yes is the answer

I never thought writer's block was a real thing until a few months ago...

hope you enjoyed 


Mine - Jack x DarkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora