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(idk why i keep requesting sad music for this book •-•)

"So... You're just going to stay here?"

"Yes, Dark. It's the only choice I have..." I answer. It's not the best place. In fact, right after I said that, the light started flickering. It was only for one thousand and two hundred euros. Yes, I rather stay in a place where the roof barely stands than live with my whore of a mother.

Did I just curse?

Oh goodness.

It's better than sleeping with a bunch of people, mum.

The place isn't as bad as Dark thinks, it's more of an experience. The place has a scent of smoke, seeming people smoke a lot in this building. Everything looks dusty but I can tidy things up a bit. The place can be as small as a bathroom, but I like closed up areas. And I'm pretty sure there's a dead body in the closet but Dark has killed more than one person, he can deal with that. Speaking of the devil, well... His son, actually. Dark is currently leaning against a dusty wall.

I decide it would be better to lay down on my new bed to make me less stressed out. I lean down, as soon as my bum touched the bed, a creaking noise fills the air.

"Okay, that's it." Dark stands up properly from his leaning position. "I'm getting you out of here."

"If you're planning on killing or even stealing money, forget it. I'm good, Dark. Thanks for visiting me, I guess."

"No, Jack. I didn't come to meet you just to ruin your damn, precious life! Get up, I'm taking you somewhere else. And no, I'm not committing any crimes while doing so. At least not humane ones." The last part was a whisper, but I still heard it. I decide to give it a go, he won't stop unless I do so.

I nod, taking a deep breath and wait for what's going to happen. "Alright, hold on. I'm gonna turn you invisible and fly again, don't panic or else you'll fall, okay?" No. I am not going to fly. Nononononononono.

"I-I'm afraid o-o-of heights." I stutter.

"Don't worry, you can trust me."

"You're saying that as if I didn't just see my mother sleep with a random guy I never met."

"Good point. I just love you more than she does. I mean, I stalked you for over a decade, baby boy."

"That is true." I mean, what is there to lose? My life? Why would I need that? I let out a breathe that I didn't know I held in, and nod. This is going to be terrifying.


"Alright, hold on tight now, this is going to be a long ride." Dark yells as he's flying. I'm laying on him, my arms wrapped around his neck. My eyes are clinched close, to terrified to glance around the sky. Surprisingly, the clouds aren't crying in Ireland, which is, - by Dark's words - safer. It is still very much chilly, though. I'm wearing a light yellow sweater and some black jeans, and of course, a white beanie.

I bury my face into Dark's neck, still too frightened to move. "Baby, it would be actually fun if you looked around. The view's beautiful!"

Trusting Dark, I flutter my left eye open, feeling it instantly becoming dry from the wind that is blown on my face. I decide to open the other eye, because I can barely see with the left one only open. As soon as I focus on not dying, my eyes widen over the spread of the colours in the sky. My irises focus on the orange shade in the clouds, how it begins with a golden orange then fading away with a light yellow. The fuzzy clouds look the most gorgeous, since they are particularly huge and add in more colours. The sky itself is a purpley-pink shade.

"Wow." I whisper, still staring into the orange heaven that is this view. After a couple of minutes, Dark changes positions, he was in a laying down position, now his head is upwards, and his feet are otherwise. I start blinking when more air crashes through my eyes. We fly so high up the sky, that it's starting to darken more and more. My eyes sparkle at the magical view of the stars in the sky.

Dark returns back into his laying position, making me very slowly let go of his neck and sit down on him, still looking up into the sky. "Dark this... This is breathtaking."

"Isn't it? 'Told you, you can trust me. I'm always nice to my little Seány. No doubt."

"By the way, where are we going?"

"You don't have a home, so I'm taking you to my home."

"And where's that?"



okay so

ikik that this isn't the new years but i'm not gonna even be there at that time

i forgot that i'm gonna be in a barn with no wifi the 31'th to the 1'st so yeah




we all agree that 2016 is cursed right?

at least i think so

so yeH, hope you all have a very bright 2017, hope y'all enjoy the non-cursed year and hope that 2017 is not gonna be as bad as 2016

i'm gonna write 2016 on every homework now ffs i can already hear the erasers

write a story you wanna share here bc why not --->

what do you think about jack moving out?

dark earning jack's trust more and more?

jack facing his fear?


hope you enjoyed this

if you haven't read the last update i did, i have my app back and i will update more hopefully


qotc: what are your plans for 2017?

aotc: complete the novel that i'm writing



(this is extra bc i want 1000 words please)

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