Chapter 1

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"Calum Thomas Hood what have you done to my t-shirt?!" I scream, running down the stairs with a ball of scrunched material held tight in my grip.

I race into the living room to be met with my obnoxious step brother, sprawled out on the sofa wearing a mischievous smile.

I hold up my favourite P!ATD tee to display the damage he's done. "What's wrong? I thought I brightened it up a bit," He refers to the yellow smiley face he has painted in acrylic paint on the front of my tee. "Calum you know this is my favourite shirt!" I yell.

"Oh stop being a baby," He rolls his eyes, turning his attention back to the television screen. Seeing this as no big deal.

"David!" I call out like a bratty four year old who seeks attention. I stomp into the kitchen and catch sight of my step father seated at the dinner table, examining his newspaper, his glasses angled at the end of his nose. Oh how cliché.

"David look at what he did to my tee shirt!" I whine, showing him the evidence. "No need to be melodramatic darling I'm sure it'll wash out," He sighs, returning to his article. "No it won't, he used my acrylic paints," I complain.

I have every right to complain. I'm furious, livid even. How dare he! How would you feel if your sibling destroyed your favourite item of clothing? Pretty upset I'd imagine, not to mention the fact that nobody appears to care very much at all.

"Can you not get another one?" He huffs, setting down his newspaper in the table and removing his spectacles from his face. "I got this at the concert, I waited in line for an hour to get it!" I exclaim, hoping he'll sympathise.

"Well that's a bit of a silly use of time," He chuckles as he shakes his head. I'm sorry but I don't see what's so funny about this scenario?

"You know what forget it. It doesn't matter, Golden boy can do no wrong obviously," I storm away, feeling even more irritated than when I had initially come downstairs.

"Calum apologise," I order as I burst through the living room door for the second time today. "Why should I?" His lips curl up into a smug smirk. "I'm not playing this game, I want an apology for destroying my property," I cross my arms as I shoot him a glare. "Oooh I'm Alex and I use fancy words like property." He mocks in a high pitched tone.

I glance around the room and spot his guitar stood against the wall in the corner. Without hesitation I dive for it, then carry it to the kitchen, setting it down on the counter. "What are you doing with my fucking guitar?!" Calum yells, following me quickly.

Take notes kids, this is how you receive exactly what you set out for.

I grab a scissors from the utensil drawer and hold them to his guitar strings. "Don't you dare!" Calum steps closer. "Ah ah, one step closer and I'll cut them all," I smile sweetly, feeling empowered. He steps away, his face red with rage.

"Calum just apologise," His father says as he turns his broadsheet page. "No,"  He refuses stubbornly. "Okay then," I shrug and go to cut each string. "Stop! Dad!"

"Alex," David seems quite unimpressed with the situation. "All I want is an apology," I mime the smirk he had worn just a few moments ago.


"Fine I'm sorry!! I'm so very very sorry," Calum gives in, sending me an icy glare. I swear if looks could kill, boom that's me six feet under.

"Good," I nod, setting down the scissors. "You will also buy me a new tee," I state, grasping the scissors tightly once again, just incase he disagrees with the terms and conditions of his surrender. "Yep yep. New t-shirt," He nods eagerly.

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