Chapter 5

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I take a final look in the mirror, critiquing the flaws. I'm nervous to say the least. I don't do social events, I used to be so good at it but know it's like an alien ability. I know I can do it, it still doesn't stop me from fretting.

What am I doing? I'm getting ready for a bonfire with a bunch of guys I only met about a week ago. This isn't me, I don't do this. I keep to myself and haven't gone out in a long time.

"You look great," Lily compliments my ripped, blue jeans and tight white off the shoulder top. If it wasn't obvious, Lily was the creator of this look. She wasn't impressed by my suggestion of my white Green Day tee.

"I need a belt, these jeans don't sit right," I complain with a frown. I'm just using that as an excuse to wear a belt.

She gives a sigh before tossing my belt towards me. She knows she won't win this battle. I happily place the item around my waistband. I admire her cute outfit. Girly, just like her.

She's wearing a pair of crisp white jeans and a floral pastel yellow and white peplum top. I don't know how she's not as nervous as me.

"Alex Lil, Michael and Luke are here!" Calum calls up the stares making me physically cringe at the way he called her 'Lil.'

Of course she blushes at his little nickname for her, giggling under her breath. It's disgusting how she could find my brother attractive. They have this flirty friendship but I know that Calum isn't one to settle down so there isn't a chance of them getting together.

"We better go," she smiles as she gives herself one last look in the mirror. "Yeah I'll be down in a sec," I say as she skips out of my room, delighted that she has the opportunity to flirt with my brother without me seeing.

I sneakily slip off the girly top and swap it for my Green Day tee, tucking it into the jeans. Ah that's better.

I quickly grab my phone and hurry down the staircase trying to slip out the door without getting caught by Lily for changing. Much to my dismay, they're already in the car.

I jump into the empty front seat beside Michael who is in the driver's seat. Luke, Callum and Lily are all in the back. She's introducing herself to Luke with a flirtatious smile. My goodness that girl does not miss an opportunity.

"Hey," Michael greets with a smile. "Hi," I reply as he starts the engine. It's only when Lily tears her eyes away from Luke that she notices my outfit change. "Oh I know you didn't change from that gorgeous top into that band tee," she raises a brow.

"Whoops too late I mean, we've already started to drive away," I smile in victory as Michael pulls out of the driveway. She rolls her eyes in response.

"Permission to chose the music?" I look to Michael. "Permission granted," he nods, a smile playing on his lips. I scan through his CD collection he has in the glovebox. Hmmm. There's a variety of rock bands. I laugh as I catch sight of one CD that looks very out if place.

"Big Katy Perry fan?" I tease. "Actually I find her work very poetic and if you listen to the lyrics it, it has a very masculine and tough message you know?" He attempts to convince. "Oh yeah nothing says manly like teenage dream," I wink jokingly.

I decide on a CD and turn the volume up to full blast. I kissed a girl and I liked it!

Michael loves it! He flips his head around like a crazy man which is very unsafe considering he's driving. Luke's being very quiet. "So my mate Ben's gonna be here. Remember I told you about him?" Michael shouts over the radio as Calum and Lil are engrossed in flirtatious small talk.

I'm quite surprised that he remembers that, he was quite drunk when he said it to me first. I barely even remembered it to be honest.

"Cool, how many people are actually gonna be here?" I ask curiously. I nervously fiddle with my rings. It's all going to be okay, I have Lily here. As long as she's here I'll have someone to talk to. And the boys! I'll be fine. Nope that didn't help.

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