Chapter 2

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I'm awoken by the sound of Calum's electric guitar shredding loudly. I cover my face with a pillow in attempt to block out the loud noise. Not exactly how I like to be woken during my holidays.

The pillow fails to lessen the sound and I grumble, pushing the covers off my body, exposing my marvel pyjama bottoms and ACDC tank top. Why must my step brother be so irritating? Please someone enlighten me.

I stand up out of bed and slip on my Mickey Mouse slippers. Yes, I am a child, let's move on. I stomp down the stairs and into the living room to see my mother sitting, drinking a cup of coffee, her eyes fixated on the television screen.

"Where is he?" I ask, my arms crossed. "Who?" My mom plays dumb. "The boy with half a brain," I say simply.

Mom gives me an disapproving look edits sighing. "Garage."

I'm outside in a flash and pace down the pathway and into the garage. "Calum Thomas Hood! I hope to God that y-" I begin yelling but the music cuts out storm in. I look up to see all stares on me. Uh oh, today is Tuesday isn't it? Uh ohhhhh.

"Hi!" A boy exclaims happily from behind a set of drums. His brown curls bounce with excitement. I feel my cheeks flush furiously. "Alex these are the friends I told you about," Calum smiles smugly, making me want to slap the smirk of his stupid face.

"I'm Ashton!" The curly haired boy introduces with a cheeky smile. "Hi," I manage to say. I bet I look like a tomato right now. He exposes his dimples, fixing his bandana. He's very very attractive and he's extremely cute, in a puppy sort of way.

I catch sight of a black haired boy with a red stripe and recognise him slightly. He's pale and has a spunky kinda rock look with an eyebrow piercing. He's hot to say the least. He's holding an electric guitar, similar to Calum's.

"Oh this must be your sister?" He asks in an epiphanic tone. "Step," Calum and I correct simultaneously.

"So yeah, Michael, Ashton and Luke," Calum half heartedly introduces. Luke?

I spy the blonde haired boy in the corner, tuning his guitar. He glances up  from his instrument to send me a smile. He doesn't say anything just acknowledges my existence. "Okay now leave!" Calum orders. "Fine but keep it down," I warn with a death glare.

"Awh let her stay! She can be our groupie!" Ashton chuckles jokingly. "No she can piss off," Calum shakes his head, holding a disgusted facial expression at the thought of me being their 'groupie.'

"Charming as ever Calum," I roll my eyes, my voice dripping in sarcasm as I turnon my heel to leave. "Yeah well you're ugly!" He calls after me.

I decide to hang around outside the garage, out of sight to prevent them from knowing I'm eavesdropping. "She's pretty cute," I hear one of them say. Michael maybe? I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks at his words.

"I swear to God if any of you even think of getting with my sister you're dead," Calum threatens. I stand there, shocked is an understatement. I've never heard him be so protective over me, ever. I can't even remember the last time he referred to me as his sister without using the word 'step' beforehand.

"Oh chill man I'm not after her," Michael chuckles.

I run back indoors, not wanting to hear the rest of their conversation. I race up to my room, hoping to avoid any questions from my mom. I love her but she tends to pry for details of absolutely anything.

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