Chapter 9

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"I had a great time tonight," I smile as I walk hand in hand with Ben, to my front door. "Thank you for finally agreeing to go out with me," he chuckles, exposing his dimples.

"Well you know I thought how else could I get this loser off my back," I say with a smirk. He clutches his heart at my words.

We reach my door and I turn to him, a smile on my face. Our bodies are close as I gaze up to his eyes.

"Is it okay if I kiss you?" He asks cutely. A giggle escapes my lips. I nod slightly and he leans in. Is this really happening? Am I dreaming?

His soft lips brush off mine ever so slightly before the door swings open. I quickly jump back, expecting it to be Calum stood at the door. I'm surprised to see it's actually David.

"Ben, how are you?" He asks in a friendly, yet stern tone. "I'm good thank you. I better get going though," he says nervously, a blush creeping onto his cheeks.

I chuckle at his awkwardness. "Good job on having her home on time. We'll be having words though," David gazes down to him. Ben nods and looks to me for help. "Thanks for tonight," I smile. "Bye," he says before quickly planting a kiss on my cheek.

He then scurries off down to his car and gets inside. I turn to go inside but see David stood still staring at the boy. "David chill," I laugh, stepping past him and into the house.

I can hear voices from the living room and instantly recognise them. "Are those my favourite boys?" I ask as I walk into the room.

"Oooh Alex is back from her date," Michael teases.

"Ali's got a boyyyfriend," Ash joins in. I can't help the smile that forms on my lips as I hear my old nickname.

I know it hurt to hear when Luke said it the other week but now, being called Ali just reminds me of the good times. Even though it feels strange hearing it from someone else's lips that aren't his.

God how I miss his voice...

"Okay can you guys just shut the fuck up! I don't want to hear it," Calum spits angrily, not taking his eyes away from his phone screen. God temper, temper.

"I have news for you guys," I announce happily, in a sing song tone. They all patiently await my news. Even Calum glances up from his phone as I stand in front of them all on the couch.

"Do you guys know Blazzers?" I ask curiously. "Yeah the place where nearly everyone hangs out," Luke nods eagerly.

"So the regular band that performs there is leaving and I scored you guys and audition to gig at that place," I say, unsure of how they're going to take it.

Ashton jumps up in excitement. The others shortly follow as they jump up and down and scream like teenaged girls. "Who's the best manager!" Luke shouts before picking me up and spinning me around. Uncontrollable laughs escape my lips.

"Thank you Alex," Michael smiles. Michael just smiled! Not his usual cheesy smirk, he actually genuinely smiled!

Luke sets me down on the ground and I clap my hands together to grasp everyone's attention. "There's another part though. The band needs to sing and play," I inform.

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