Chapter 11

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Luke and I separate and sit up. I look down to where the voice had come from and am not surprised who I see. Well isn't that typical.

"Hey Ben," I wave awkwardly.

I think awkward is the only way to describe this situation. Very very awkward.

"I eh, I thought you had a girls day?" He confronts. Well now it's even more awkward. Hmmm. How do I fix this?

"We actually ran into the girls at the mall so we all decided to come here," Luke answers for me. Although I'm glad I didn't have to answer that question, he didn't answer it very well for me. "Alex can I talk to you for a sec?" He asks. I nod slowly, standing up.

Somehow I manage to lose my balance and trip over my own foot. My heart drops as I fall backwards down the ramp, my head hitting the hard wooden surface with a bang.

"Alex!" I hear Luke scream. I groan in pain, unable to find the energy to stand up. I hear everyone race towards me.

"Oh my god Al are you alright?" I here Lily panic. "I'm fine," I mumble inaudibly.

"Guys she's bleeding, we need to get her to a hospital," Luke says worriedly. Bleeding? Really? I didn't think I hit it that hard. Like yeah it does feel like an elephant is stepping on my head and I can't really keep my eyes open but i didn't think it was that bad.

"I'll take her," Mikey says. "For god sake, you were drinking you can't drive," Luke scolds.

"Guys I'm fine, I don't need," I begin but find myself getting extremely tired as my head throbs.

"I'll drive," I hear Ben's voice.

"Someone call Calum!" Lily shouts as I feel myself being lifted off the ground. I find myself getting more and more tired. "Alex stay awake," I hear Ben's voice.

I try my hardest to follow his instructions but can't help myself as sleep begins to wash over me.


I hear the beep of a heart monitor and quiet chatter. I feel a bad pounding in my head. Memories from last night come flooding back to me.

I peel my eyes open and the bright light makes me wince in pain. "Alex!" My mom exclaims, the sound ricocheting around the room. "Ouch," I complain.

"I'm so glad you're okay sweetie," she races to my side, taking hold of my hand. Speak for yourself it feels like I've just been hit by a car.

I see David sitting on a chair on the phone. "Oh my god where's Jane?" I panic. "She's in the waiting room, along with all your friends," mom smiles sympathetically.

"We're just going to go get the doctor, we'll be back in a few minutes," she says before her and David exit the room together. I let out a shaky sigh.

I hate hospitals. The last time I was in one was the time of the accident, which was only less than a year ago.

The door bursts open and Calum appears. "If you ever do something that stupid again I will kill you," he says as he shuts the door behind him. He makes his way over to me and pulls a chair up beside my bed. "It's not my fault I tripped," I sigh.

"Were you drinking? I won't tell your mom," he asks with a stern expression. "No me and Luke didn't drink anything, the rest of them did," I answer honestly.

"Okay, I'm sorta happy you're not dead. Not so happy that you were hanging out with my friends at midnight in an empty skate park. Especially because I wasn't invited," he cracks a smile, a very contagious smile.

"I think my friends are starting to prefer you over me," he jokes, poking me lightly on my arm. "Not my fault I'm so darn charming," I giggle softly.

"Hey while we're here, I guess I'm sorry for how I acted about you and Ben," he mumbles under his breath.

"What was that? Did Calum Hood just apologise to me?" I gasp sarcastically.
"Yeah yeah very funny. I'm only apologising because you gave me a heart attack and I thought you were dead," he stays with a laugh.

"Awh you care about me," I tease with a grin. Okay it does feel good to be getting along with Calum again, I'll admit. "I do not. Just if you died I'd have nobody to pick on," he blushes. This is a whole side of Calum I've never seen before.

Just before I can shoot back, te door bursts open a second time and the room is filled within seconds. I'm met with every bodies happy expressions and screams of happiness (which I could have probably done without.)

"Happy birthday Parker!" Michael yells.

Oh my god I completely forgot. How does one forget their own birthday? You know what Alex, you managed to find a way.

Theres a course of 'happy birthdays' and lots, and lots of singing.

"Guys I love you all, and thank you but can you please do me a favour and shut the hell up," I chuckle loudly.

"Hey now that she's 17 she thinks she can walk all over us," Ashton tuts towards Mikey.

I may be spending my birthday in a hospital room, but at least it with these amazing dorks. Lily is sat on the end of my bed along with Jane. Calum and Luke are on the seats next to me. Ashton is playing with the computer equipment stuff, which he probably shouldn't be. Michael is sitting on the floor and Ben is leant against the wall.

"Ash sweetie, you probably shouldn't touch that stuff," I advise. "You're not my mother," he rolls his eyes before pressing more buttons. Suddenly an deafening beeping sound fills the room due to Ashton's button pressing.

Luke races over to assist. After 2 minutes of the loudest sound I have possibly ever heard, the noise stops.

"Told you," I glare at Ashton.

The door opens and in steps mom and David along with who I presume is a doctor due to his white coat and stethoscope. Wow I could be Sherlock.

"Okay there are way too many people in here right now, I'm gonna need you all to leave for a while, whilst I talk to Miss. Parker," the doctor says with an odd smile.

Everybody agrees sadly and they leave one by one.

"So Alex, I'm Dr. Ron. How are you feeling?" He asks causally. "Never better," I say sarcastically. "Alex," mom scolds.

"Sore, very sore," I answer properly. "Okay well you've taken a hard hit to the head resulting in concussion, you'll be sore for a few days but apart from that, I can't see any internal problems or any other trauma. You'll need to take it easy for a few days. Mr and Mrs Hood if you could just fill out these release papers," he nods as he flicks through the pages of his clipboard then finally hands my mom a stack if papers.

"Thank you doctor," David says as Dr. Ron leaves the room.

"Let's get ready to go home," mom smiles. I don't really know why she hasn't scolded me for firstly, being rude to David's family and secondly, being out so late at night in a not so safe place. I have a feeling she's forgotten what day it is too. I don't blame her, even I forgot what day it was.

After about half an hour of painful getting ready, I'm ready to leave the hospital. I exit my room and see everyone gathered in the waiting room.

I lock eyes with Luke, he looks exhausted. "Let's go!" Lily exclaims excitedly.

So half an hour drive later the three cars pull up in front of our home. Everybody piles out and I internally question why everybody came back here, not that I'm complaining.

We reach the door an everybody waits for me to open it. "Okay what's going on?" I back away from the door handle.

"Surprise!" Ashton yells earning a shove from Lily. "Oh shit I thought she already opened the door," he looks up from his phone.

Oh god.

"Guys, what's on the other side of this door?" I speculate. "Alex, if you love me, you'll open that door without any more questions," Lily concludes.

I take a deep breath before reaching for the door handle. Pushing open the door I hear loud shouts. Surprise!

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