Chapter 4

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"Calum Thomas Hood!" I scream as I throw my phone across the room in pure anger.

"Yes?" He pops his head into the room, a knowing smile spread across his face. "How dare you!" I stand up from my positing on my desk chair. He tries playing the innocent card.

"Why on earth did you post that picture of me on FaceBook?!" I tell, referring to the picture of me asleep that he's posted on the social media sight. I look god awful in it and it has already reached 312 likes in the last hour and unfortunately I've only just seen it now.  "What do you mean? You look delightful in that," he smirks.

The anger builds up inside of me. I grab the nearest object to me and hurl it at him. He dodges it and it hits off the wall with a loud smash. He scatters away and I'm left in silence. I catch sight of what it was I had thrown against the wall. My heart drops as I see the broken picture frame lying on the ground.

I've had this just sitting on my desk for very long. I don't even know why but I do. I crouch down by the doorway, next to the shattered glass and split frame. I take the photograph between my fingers, brushing away any small pieces of glass.

I examine the picture. Gosh it's nearly sixteen years since this picture was taken. My first birthday. My parents looks so happy here, that's partly why it's been important to me. But now I've stupidly thrown it against a wall.

Oh well.

I clean up the mess on the floor an set out on my mission to murder Calum. "Where is the very devil incarnation himself?" I burst into the kitchen, causing my mother to jump in fright. "What did he do now?" She sighs, turning to face me. "He totally violated my privacy!" I complain.

312 likes! 312 freaking likes!

"Al come on now calm down. Why can't you two just get along?" She seems fed up. Well I'm fed up too! "You're right, I should just let him embarrass me every day and be okay with it," I say sarcastically.

I catch sight of my lovely step brother, running back upstairs. I follow him but don't get there in time and he runs into his bedroom. "I will get you back for this Calum!" I bang on the door.

That's it! I'm sick of this! I am going to get my revenge, I don't care what it takes Calum Hood will regret ever messing with me. Someday I will make him pay!


"Alex where are you?" My mum calls. "In the study!" I yell back. I continue scrolling through the Welby website, scanning for any information about the scholarship recipients. I'm interrupted when the door opens. My mum pops her head in.

"You're okay to babysit tonight aren't you?" She inquires. "Yeah sure, for whom may I ask?" I ask poshly. She glances at the laptop screen, sighing a little but she knows not to pry.

"Nextdoor. Liz and I decided to go out for dinner and she needs a babysitter for Mia."

"First of all when did you get all chummy with nextdoor? And doesn't she have a son who can take care of her?" I know full well she has a son. I do like the thought of my mother leaving the house with a 'gal pal' if you must. It would do her some good to let her hair down every now and then.

"Yesterday I went to introduce myself and we got to talking. And I'm pretty sure he's going out or something like that. Please can you do me this favour? I'll repay you with your favourite brownies," she knows my weakness. I give in with a sigh. "Okay, I guess I will."

"Thank you!" She smiles widely.

She exits quickly before I can change my mind. I turn back to the screen, returning to my searching and reading. It's no use, it's nothing I haven't read a million times over. I shut my laptop in frustration.

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