Chapter 10

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I trudge down the staircase, the early morning sun shining through the window, lighting the way. I was rudely awoken by the sound of chatter downstairs. The boys must have stayed over last night.

I push open the door to the living room and all conversation ends. Thats weird. I look up and see all eyes on me. I'm shocked to see so many faces, so many faces that I don't recognise. Everyone is so poshly dressed and here I am in my pyjama bottoms and a top that yes, of course says 'Bitch Please.'

Mom's eyes widen as she sees me and David has a pleasant smile spread across his lips. He obviously hasn't read my tee.

There's an older looking couple on the couch, Another couple standing by them who appear to be about my mom and David's age. There's two children and a baby on the floor and a girl about my age sitting on a chair.

They're all very, what's the word... Rich looking. This must be David's family...

I know what you're thinking, have I not met David's family? Were they not at the wedding? Well children, Mom and David eloped. They obviously brought Calum and I but apart from that nobody else. Which David's family weren't happy about.

So I haven't actually met any of Calum's extended family and it appears I was not prepared to. My mom has met them and told me all about how judgemental and well, pretentious they are which probably does not improve this situation.

I couldn't possibly have looked worse. How come nobody informed me of this little rendevu? I probably would have chosen a different attire.

"Alexandra, good morning. Come meet everyone," my mom smiles awkwardly with pleading eyes. Who the fuck is Alexandra because I know she ain't talking about me.

"Everybody this is my step daughter," David beams proudly. I mutter out a greeting and see the elderly woman's eyes widen. I fight the urge to snicker at her disapproval.

"So this is Calum's new sister," the elderly woman examines me, looking down her nose. Ooh judgey, you wanna mess with this sarcastic fuck old lady I dare you. I presume this is David's mother.

"Good observation captain obvious," I mumble under my breath, earning a chuckle from the teenaged girl. Thank god she was the only one who heard me.

"So Alex, these are my parents, Elizabeth and Ken. My brother, Francis and his wife Slyvia. Their children Andrew, Marcus and Bella. And that is my brother's daughter Jane," David motions to each of them until he finally lands on the teenaged girl. I resist the temptation to laugh at how posh their names are.

"I'm Alexandra," I introduce with a fake snobby accent. "How about you go upstairs and get changed and wake your brother," mom instructs with the most fake smile you can imagine. "Of course mother dearest. It was splendid to have made your acquaintance," I say as I exit the room. I can feel my moms glare burning into me.

Oh well.

I make my way back upstairs and into Calum's bedroom to see him sprawled out on his bed. He's outcold. I take a cushion from his couch and hurl it at his head. It hits right on target. "Oww," he moans.

"Get up. Your family are downstairs," I say bluntly, walking out of the room leaving him confused.

Calum and I haven't exactly been talking the last two days since mine and Ben's date. He's been agitated at the fact Ben's older and because they're close friends. He's thrown a couple of insults at me but I just let them roll off.

I make my way back to my room and pull a pair of blue, denim shorts as it's very hot today and a white low cut bodysuit and a brown chunky belt. Nice and casual. I make my way to the bathroom, realising that this bodysuit isn't even mine, it's Lily's.

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