Chapter 8

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I sit by my window, flicking through old photo albums. I feel a soft breeze on my face through the open window. I hear the faint sound of birds chirping in the early morning air.

The sound of birds chirping is soon replaced by a masculine humming. I turn to see Luke's window is wide open. "Now I got you in my space, I won't let go of you," I hear him sing in perfect harmony. I drop the photo album in pure shock. His voice has me shook.

He continues quietly singing the song as he rummages around his room. He doesn't notice me spying. I find it hard to understand why he doesn't sing in the band I mean he's a great singer. Scratch that he's not great he's amazing.

I feel myself melting as he sings his melodic tunes. He finishes singing the song and I can't help but feel disappointed at the loss of his voice.

My disappointment soon disappears as I hear him start a new song. Although this one I don't recognise. Perhaps this is a song he wrote?

"How did we end up talking, in the first place. You said you liked my Cobain shirt," He sings until he catches me listening and immediately stops. His face flushes a crimson colour.

"Don't stop on my accord," I giggle slightly. He takes a moment to gather his words, obviously he's quite stunned. "How long were you there for?" He asks, his eyes widened.

"The whole time," I smile widely. He doesn't reply, he just breaks the eye contact appearing very embarrassed. "Luke your singing got me shook like what the hell? I didn't know you had such a great voice! Why don't you sing in the band?"

He comes closer and sits by his own widow. "I'm not good enough to sing in the band," he shakes his head with a chuckle.

"I completely disagree," I shrug.

"The lads only just put me into the band when I got back anyway, they don't know I sing," he elaborates. "Well they should know because you're freaking amazing," I compliment.

It's true. How can Luke have it all? The looks, the style, the talent I mean how is it humanly possible? He's like the perfect boy.

"So how is everything with Ben?" Luke swiftly changes the subject. I take a moment to think. Since the bonfire a few weeks ago and the night all the boys stayed in ours last week we've had hour long phone conversations and texted. He's asked me out on dates and I've mustered up an excuse not to go.

Don't get me wrong Ben is such a nice guy and he's so sweet but I just feel guilty.

"He asked me out tonight, gave me a few days to think about it but I don't think I'll go," I shrug.

"Why not? Do you not like him?"

I take another moment to ponder. Do I like him? I don't really know yet. It's early days, I can't really imagine falling for someone after the year I've had. "I don't know really," I shrug once again.

"You sh-" Luke begins but is interrupted by my door bursting open. I turn in a fright, my heart racing. I see Calum standing at my doorway. "Who are you talking to?" He asks nosily.

Luke jumps back from his window as he hears Calum's voice. I'm honestly glad he did. If Calum knew that Luke and I talk every day through our windows he would probably either not care at all or have a complete shit fit. That's a risk I am not willing to take.

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