Messi/Ronaldo p2

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Dedicated to @MaferJerez96 and @ChristinaAngelina21 for commenting!

Cristiano's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. Groaning, I reached over and picked up my phone from my bedside table. I looked at my notifications saying I missed 3 messages from Lionel and 1 call. I typed in my phone password and read what the messages said.

Leo: When you get up call me 9.37am
Leo:We need to talk about what happened yesterday 9.43am
Leo: Please. 10.01am

I quickly called Leo and he answered on the third ring.

It was silent.

"H-Hey Leo."

God, why am I so nervous? I've talked to him millions of times before.

" we need to talk about what happened yesterday."

"Yeah. So um..."

"Listen, Cristiano. I know you love me but you really hurt me last time we talked. You yelled at me and told me to leave. I don't know why you kissed me yesterday and I don't know how to feel about it. Do I still love you? I don't know anymore. I thought I was getting over you but you kissed me yesterday and I don't know. You hurt me a lot Cris, I don't know if I want to love you again..."

I didn't know what to say. I tired to say something but all that came out was something that came out as a whimper.

"...Yeah...okay, that's okay. Call me whenever a-and I'll um see y-you soon."

"Wait! Cris-"

I hung up and stared at my phone as the silent tears ran down my face. I turned my phone off and laid back down in my bed.

I woke up a few hours later. I dragged myself out of bed and walked into my kitchen. I gave my maid the day off today so I opened the fridge and grabbed some yogurt. I went back upstairs and turned my phone back on to see that I have messages from Leo, Gareth, and James. They must've heard. I ignored Leo's messages and opened Gareths.

Gareth:Cris, you okay? Leo told me what happened. Don't do anything stupid 2.28pm
Gareth:Please answer me. I'm really worried and we have training tonight. Text me back :( 2.30pm

I decided to text Gareth back, he's always worried about me.

Cristiano: I'm fine. I'll be at training.

I sighed and opened James's messages.

James:Hey I heard what happened :( I hope you feel better. You don't have to respond, I know you don't like texting a lot.

James understands. He knows I don't like texting a lot, I like FaceTime and calling more. I hesitated as my finger was over Leo's name. I took a deep breath and clicked on it. It only said 2 words.

Leo: I'm sorry

I laughed at his text. Did he really think I'd forgive him just because he said 'I'm sorry' over text? I don't respond and ignore the vibrations coming from my phone as I continue to watch Criminal Minds.

I got up and got ready for training tonight. I pulled on my Real Madrid jacket over my jersey because it was chilly today. I ran down the steps, grabbed my keys, and jumped into my car.

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