Faith (p3)

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(A/N: If you haven't read or don't remember Faith part 1 and 2, go back and read or you'll be extremely confused. Thanks!)

Cristiano's P.O.V

It's been two months. Two months since Leo has died. Every day I think about him and our good and bad moments. He was the love of my life, my best friend, my savior. Gareth and James have been trying to help me but gave up a few days ago. It's not their fault. I don't get out of bed, i'm depressed, and I barely eat. I miss him so much. I only drag myself out of bed to go to the bathroom, shower, and occasionally eat or drink. I visit Leo's grave everyday, it's the only reason I get out of the house.

Arriving to the cemetery, I see someone standing by Leo's grave but I can't tell who it is. I walk out to see if the person turns around, but they don't.

"Hello..?" I speak out, hoping to know who this mystery man is. He turns around and I immediately recognize who it is; Neymar. I haven't spoken to Neymar since the day Leo died. Tears are running down his face as he holds flowers in his hand.

"Hey, Cris..." He says weakly. His cheeks are red and tear stained, his eyes red as well. I look at him sympathetically and hug him.

"God.. I'm so sorry, Neymar." I could feel him starting to sob in my arms, and I couldn't hold in my tears after that, so I let go. We cried into each other's arms, not caring about who's around us. I hug him and offer to stay with him for the day. He nods and gives me his address. He leaves to go home but I stay for awhile, wanting to be alone with Leo. I sit down next to his grave.

"Hey, Leo..." My voice dry and weak. "I miss you so much. We all do. I love you so much, Leo. You were my soulmate, my lover, my best friend. My savior." I started to cry.

"God, why did this have to happen to you? You were such a good soul. Everybody loved you, you never did anything wrong. It wasn't right for you to be taken away from us." At that point, I was full on sobbing alone in a cold, lonely cemetery.

I sit for 10 more minutes, just giving him "updates" on how everybody is doing. I decide that it's best for me to go to Neymar's house now, I don't want him to feel like I abandoned him.

"I'm gonna go now, Leo... I love you so much." I left my flowers at his grave and walked back to my car.

Arriving at Neymar's, I knock on his door and wait for him to open up. He doesn't answer and I try the door, it's open. I silently walk through the door, not wanting to wake Neymar in case he's asleep. I look on to the couch and he's cuddling with Kun. I smile and walk back out of the door, letting him rest.

I spend the rest of the day on my phone, scrolling through Instagram when I suddenly get a text from a random number. Confused, I open the text.

We need to talk. Soon.

Who is this??

I change the contact number to "Random".

I will not give up my identity until we meet. This is extremely important, Cristiano.

You're creeping me out... But fine. When should we meet? Today? Tomorrow??

Tonight. 8pm. At the small restaurant on the corner of Forest Ave. and South State Street.

Fine... See you tonight.

I tired to send the message, but
showed up onto my screen. I'm getting really creeped out by this, but I need to know how this person knew my name and why they needed to meet me tonight.


I drive to the small restaurant and arrive a few minutes after. I look at my phone and the time flashes onto my screen; 7:56pm. I nervously look around and wait for the mystery person to show up. I gasp as I feel someone touch my shoulder, and I instantly recognize who it is...


Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate it! 4k reads is a lot and I appreciate every one of you!

Words Count: 741

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