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Keeping Things Privately

The following week had been very busy for both of them. But they made it to a point to video call or message each other through the video calling and instant messaging feature of Bondster at least three times a day – when they woke up in the morning, during lunch break, and at the end of their workday in the evening.

Callie stayed that week in Gannevo while Callix stayed mostly at Missi.


They left the isle early morning. Romano and Callix dropped her off inside the farm.

As soon as Callix reached his office, he sent her a private message through the instant messaging feature of Bondster – I just arrived at the office. I miss you so much already (3 emoticon kisses).

She replied – I miss you too (kissing lips emoticon).

He responded – I'll be leaving in a short while. I got to go to ZTC main office for the turnover. I and all my team leaders will also visit the factory and the warehouse afterwards. Probably, we can meet for lunch. I'll go there to your place.

Her reply – Okay. Let's go back to work now.

They both had a busy morning. When Callix arrived at her bamboo palace for lunch he was with her father.

Callie was surprised seeing them together. She escorted them immediately at the dining room.

They conversed over the meal.

Her father informed her, "Callix here offered me a ride since Andrew had to go back to Missi. When we're already at his SUV he told me he'll be here for lunch so I also invited myself."

"It is okay, Dad. You're always welcome here," she told her father then gazed at her boyfriend, "Thanks for tagging him along."

Callix replied, "That's the least I can do, cupcake."

She asked, "So how's everything with the turnover?"

Her father answered, "All the employees and workers have received him very well. They were all glad that they won't lose their jobs. Also, they were all willing to undergo training on how to manufacture those chips needed for the V+droid line of toys and gamepads. You're boyfriend here is a genius."

Callix informed her, "I offered your Dad a consultative job but he declined."

Her father explained, "I don't want to associate myself with you, Callix. That way my second family won't be able to probe much about you. It's also a way to protect Calliope from them. It's the least I can do for her. Besides, she is your business partner. I'm sure she has more fresh business ideas than me."

Callie looked at her father with so much love and appreciation, "Thanks, Dad."

Callix and her father left the farm after lunch. On their way to the ancestral mansion her father told Callix.

"I still haven't apologized to you with what Penelope did to you years ago."

"It was all in the past now, Mr. Zaragoza. Callie saved me. She warned me about Penelope prior to dating her but I didn't listen to her. I was blinded by her beauty. All the while, I really liked Callie but she didn't seem interested in having any romantic relationship with anyone," Callix responded.

"I hurt Calliope so much. I'm really glad she has you now. I really can sense your sincerity toward her," her father stated.

He informed her father, "I'm planning to propose to her within the week, sir. I really want to marry her as soon as she's ready. So, I'm asking for your blessing."

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