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A Sister's Love (2)

April 29, 2013. Monday.

Charles and Stephanie were left at the isle. They decided to stay one more week. Callix parents' were left at the isle as well to accommodate them.

Aboard the SUVs, they all went to Vienburg. Aamir want to see the devices for the complete CMOS and CSS setup personally before signing the contracts. Aamir met up with the Production Team Leader Samuel Advincula. He showed Amir all the hardware devices that can be customized to his liking. He also told him that V+ Tech Company would train the people Aamir would employ in manning the systems.

Callie didn't go to her office at Zenith Tower. Callix insisted that she performed her work in his office via CMOS.

After the signing of the contracts, Callix and Callie escorted Aamir and Penelope at the lobby.

The SUV that would transport Aamir and Penelope back to Callix's private airstrip in Celledar City was already at the driveway. The four of them exchanged hugs already.

Aamir and Penelope was about to step out of the building when a man dressed like security personnel entered the door. Penelope had right away noticed that it was her mother in disguised.

Penelope immediately ran back towards Callie and shielded her body from the attack that her mother was about to do. Callie's lady bodyguard was behind her sister but it would be too late for her to cover up Callie from the front.

The other security personnel noticed the man in disguised so they acted fast as well, some ran towards Callie to shield her and some ran towards the man in disguised but they were a second late. Penelope's mother had already pulled the trigger, and Penelope was the one shot at the back of her shoulder. The other security personnel was able to apprehend Patricia Zaragoza.

Penelope collapsed in Callie's arms as Aamir and Callix were already near them.

Callie shouted crying, "Call the paramedics right away!" Then she put direct pressure on her sister's wound by her shoulder. "Pen, the paramedics will be on their way already. Try to relax. Don't say anything anymore."

Aamir stood by Penelope's head, used his lap to support her unaffected back, and kissed her forehead. "I love you so much, habibi. The paramedics are on their way so just relax." He also tried to cover up his fiancée's ears as her mother ranted.

Patricia shouted, "Why did you cover her up, fool? She should die! She ruined us. You're pathetic, Penelope! I didn't raise you to be her protector! And who do you think you are Mr. Ugly Arab man, covering my daughter's ears? If not for me, she won't agree to marry you. She will just marry you coz you're rich!"

Callix ordered his men while he supported his wife's back, "Would please someone gag her foul mouth!"

The police and the ambulance came at the same time.

The paramedics immediately attended to Penelope while the police handcuffed Patricia, recited her Miranda rights, and let her rode the police car. Calix, Callie, and Aamir followed the ambulance to the nearest hospital aboard the SUV.

They waited by the lounge while Penelope was being operated. Andres and Andrew Zaragoza also came. They received the call from Aamir. They already knew what happened.

Andres asked Callie, "Will your sister be just alright, muffin?"

Callie assured her father, "The doctors are still operating, Dad. She took the bullet for me. She saved me and the baby. Her shoulder had been shot. The doctors need to remove the bullet and assess the damage, Dad. Let's hope for the best. She'll receive the best care possible. We'll make sure of that."

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