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Aamir Tawfeek

As soon as Aamir and Penelope reached the Ty Warner Suite they were occupying in Four Seasons Hotel in NYC.

Aamir had confronted his fiancée.

"We need to talk Penelope. And I need you to be very honest with me or else I'll call off the wedding. And don't you dare lie to me coz I'll eventually know the truth."

Penelope was expecting it. Aamir might love her so much but he was no fool. She uttered, "Okay."

"Why did you suddenly accept me when you seem to hate the sight of me for all those past years that I had been following you around?"

Penelope knew that if she lied, Aamir would soon find out coz he had the way of knowing things even if she didn't tell details to him. Penelope told him almost everything as her tears voluntarily fell, "My family is financially broke. We are now just currently living out of Callix and Calliope's generosity. Andrew had some bad business decisions while Mom and I had overspent on material things. Callix bought our shares at ZTC and paid for all our debts in the banks. He even provided a startup capital for Andrew and Dad to start anew. We lost everything except for my condominium unit. My modeling contract had not been renewed. Dad, Mom and Andrew had lived in the Zaragoza Ancestral Mansion which was under Calliope's name for free when all our properties had been sold already. Calliope even provided Dad a generous amount as his monthly personal allowance even if Dad didn't want it. My Mom even tipped an e-gossip website to reveal Callix and my sister's relationship in the public even if they wanted to keep their relationship private just to earn some money."

Aamir then asked, "What about you and Callix dating in the past? Why does it seem that he doesn't like you that much?"

Penelope confessed, "I knew back then that Callix feels something special for Calliope but I didn't want Calliope to be happy. They were very good friends. You see, growing up as an illegitimate child wasn't that much fun. I seduced Callix and he fell into my trap. I was able to succeed on seducing him to have sex with me and I even had a video of it as a proof. But he later found out that I just dated him because of the bet I had with Stephanie and our other friends. He was a nice guy and a perfect gentleman. If he had never discovered about the bet I was willing to have a serious relationship with him. I was so furious when he avoided me. He didn't want to do anything more with me after finding out about how I played with his feelings. I even asked some of my male friends to beat him up. Calliope interfered on it. She stopped the brawl to save Callix from further physical harm. I hated her more. Just recently after the buyout I even blackmailed Callix so that he won't buy as out of ZTC and just invest with us. I told him I would release our sex video. He didn't take me seriously. He didn't care so I blackmailed him again for the second time. I told him I'll release a story of him and Calliope conspiring to bring us down if he still buy us out. I even demanded him to marry me and just invest at ZTC. He didn't budge. He would rather protect Calliope than marry me. He told Dad he won't buy our shares anymore because I was blackmailing him. Anyway, he could just buy our assets in the banks once the bankruptcy was filed. He just wanted to help us because of Calliope. Calliope again! It's always the good Calliope! It seems like Callix really loves her so much. My sister is so damn lucky and I really hate her for that!"

Aamir's next question was - "Why do you hate her? She seems like a very nice person."

Penelope admitted, "Yes, she's a very nice person. She was so sweet and kind that all people around her come to love her. She has everything I don't have. She has a very loving Mom. While my Mom just used Andrew and I to enjoy a luxurious and comfortable life with Dad. She didn't love us the way Calliope had been loved by her mother. She also have famous and supportive relatives while my mother just happened to be a struggling pretty model who seduced our father. Calliope was a presidential niece when we were in college. Nobody like to mess with her while I needed to use my beauty just to charm everyone. It was only after her mother died of cancer when we were in college that Dad was able to marry Mom and make us his legal children as well. Even Dad's parents loved Calliope the most. When they died on a car accident, she was the only grandchild who was given an inheritance. She inherited the mansion, the farm, and lots of money in the banks. Dad inherited majority of his parents' fortunes but they just all disappeared because of us. On top of it, we lost everything and Calliope still retained her 20 % shares at ZTC. She also got the love of the only man who had treated me nicely. She got Callix! And he is even much handsome now than before. He's even a multi-billionaire. Calliope doesn't even need his money coz she herself is a multi-millionaire. She did very well managing the Zaragoza farm and establishing her own perfume company. And what do I get?! No job! No money! No luxurious life anymore! I don't want to live like a pauper so I accepted your love. Is that what you want to hear? I'll just marry you for your money, Aamir!"

A Tech Billionaire's Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें