You Meet

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Browsing through the new phones and devices, you breathed in the cool, ventilated air of the high-tech store. The phone in your pocket worked perfectly well, despite having a few scratches on the screen, but it was due to be upgraded in a few months.

Instead, however, you decided to try a different company. This would've been an unwise choice with prices increasing but luckily, you claimed an inheritance from your dead Grandmother 7 years ago when you were 18. Sad, but helpful.

A little distracted, you ended up looking at unbelievably expensive phones that you knew you'd never be able to afford, even if you had an extremely well-paid job and an infinite amount of dead grannies.

You turned one on, clicking and holding the on/off button. As it came on, it's speakers blasted out the company's short jingle so even people a few shops away could potentially have heard it, if it wasn't for the busy voices of the shopping centre. You felt judgemental eyes on you and blushed in embarrassment.

Snuggling down into your jumper more, you hid your face as much as possible, as if hiding would erase that moment from everyone's memory.

People starting to look away from you and continuing with their business as you awkwardly shuffled away from the screaming phone. After a sigh of relief, you shut your eyes for a bit longer than a blink. However, they bolted open when a deepish voice on your right spoke.

"Ah, I know, bud. These phones are so expensive! So much money for a freaking rectangle." They tutted afterwards in disapproval of the over priced items.

Your head turned towards the man, drinking in his appearance. His chocolate brown hair and eyes matched well with dark skin. He put his hand to his chin while his dark brows furrowed, staring at the phones and tablets through the protective glass. Much to your mortification, he noticed your nosy gaze and twisted his head to return the stare. Naturally, you wanted to look away from this humiliating situation but to make matters worse, you spoke.

"H-Hi." You let out in a tiny squeak, anxiety washing over you. Somehow, even through all your shyness, he managed to understand what you had said.

"Hey. Uh... I'm Chris! What's your name?" He asked, confidence laced in his voice. No offence to him, of course, but you didn't want to have a conversation. It was just your timid side overwhelming you. Yet still, your mind was trained to be polite.

"(Y/N). I'm (Y/N)." You replied with a small smile. Just as you were about to say "Pleasure you meet you," like how they taught you at school, you stopped yourself before making more sound.

No. You thought to yourself. You only say that on social arrangements like parties and such; not to random people you greeted because it would be rude not to.

"So are you here just to play the games or..?" Chris trailed off, seeking more chit-chat.

You hadn't realised at first but you had subconsciously started to play on an app on one of the phones that similar to your current one. You were playing temple run and didn't even notice. For someone who was playing it half asleep and wasn't even focusing on the screen, your score was pretty decent.

"Oh, I usually just play the games but I might get a new phone soon." You answer, your smile even more fake than the last time.

"Nice! I always play the video games here, but don't tell any of the staff." Chris chuckled and nudged you with his elbow. Noticeably, he was generally a talkative guy. He seemed almost like a child, trapped in a body of a man.

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