You Meet Again

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Your Aunty asked you to help her with her burrito stand in town. That basically meant, "(Y/N)! Do everything for me because I can't be bothered."

You didn't mind too much because she promised you 4 free burritos of your choice. Not as good as money, but it was something.

You just finished serving a customer. "I hope you enjoy!" You waved and smiled as they walked off, unwrapping their purchase and passing the second one to their friend.

"Excuse me, Miss, how much are they?" A voice asked you. When you had turned around, you saw Chris.

"Hi Chris! They're £2 each." Your face brightened up when you saw him. This job could get boring after a while, repeating the same thing over and over again. You were thankful someone you knew showed up.

"Oh, cool. Thanks, (Y/N). But I didn't know that you own a stand." Chris was surprised and put his hands on his hips, expecting an explanation.

"Oh, it's just my Aunt's. She needed some help so, here I am!" You shrugged.

"Okay, sounds rad! In that case, can I have 1 vegetarian, 1 fish and 1 meat burrito, please?" Chris looked down at all of the fillings.

"Of course! It'll just be a moment." You said cheerily.

While you were preparing his food, two other boys came over to him. Although their appearances differed, you guessed these were his brothers that he mentioned at another brief passing in the street. Or maybe just Chris' friends. Although, you never understood how Chris could be so outgoing all the time.

"Here you go!" You passed the food to Chris and he passed them to his brothers.

"Here's £6." He had money in his hand but you ushered it away.

"It's free for a friend." You explained to him and tapped the side of your nose.

"Wow! Thanks, (Y/N). That's really nice of you." He smiled at you sweetly and you smiled back.

"Hey, um, here's my number if you ever want to hang out or anything." You wrote your phone number in his arm. Then he smiled at you but this time with excitement.

"I'll definitely call you, I promise!"


The library was quieter than usual but it was always quiet. The familiar scent of musty books and printed ink filled the air. It was unnatural and man-made but fresh and comforting.

Anyway, the only real reason why you came here was because you wanted to see that helpful boy again. He might not come but it was worth a try.

Although looks don't mean everything, you found him extremely adorable. From his initial nervousness to his bright enthusiasm, this guy had stayed on your mind since you met him a week ago.

You edged nearer to the manga section, eyes darting to peek if the boy was anywhere to be seen.

After 30 minutes of standing, staring at the superhero graphic novels with a hand to your chin in pretend thought, you gave up waiting. Plus, your legs hurt.

Deciding to make your time worthwhile, you picked up the first issue of Adventure Ocelot, the manga you saw last week.

Slowly, you wondered off to the counter to borrow the book, admiring the well-crafted book displays as you went along.

You placed the manga on the grand oak table and waited for an employee to serve you.

"Oi, stroipes! Do yah job!" A harsh Yorkshire accent commanded from a staff-only door. Soon after that, a black-haired man shuffled out quickly and hurried to the counter.

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