He Asks You Out

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Chris text you, asking you to meet him up at the cinema. You guessed that he wanted to see the new Action Buddies movie but when you saw the tickets, you were very surprised.

"What's the film called again?" You whispered to Chris. The adverts were rolling in and kids were running around in the front.

"It's called Ouran High School Host Club. It's an anime but it's just loads of episodes put together to create a 'movie'. Peter was going to come but he had a date and he's already seen the episodes." Grizz explained in a louder tone than you did but still strangely quiet for him.

~le fabulous skip of time brought to you by Ms Gregory who left ;-; ~

It was about the fourth episode and the theme tune started again. It was an English dub and you almost knew the lyrics of by heart now.

Just as it was about to sing the first line, Chris leaned in and kissed your cheek. A pink hue splashed onto your face like paint. He leaned in again and hugged you. Chris turned your head so that you were facing him. He got closer to your face until-


Metal was heard clanging violently. It was probably someone trying to film the anime but their tripod fell over. Chris looked up at you. Although it was dark, his eyes sparkled like diamonds.

"(Y/N)... w-will you go out with me? It's just that I feel that you're amazing and wonderful. And-"

"Yes! I feel the same way! Chris, I really like you." You interupted him.

His contagious smile was wider than ever. He pulled you into an embrace that you gladly accepted and returned.


You were in your bedroom, watching Markiplier and doing homework at the same time. Although it was the summer holidays, your teachers still decided to give you homework.

Your phone buzzes and you checked it. It was Peter. Everytime you recieved a notification from him, you got excited. He lit up your day. You clicked on it quickly and read it.

A Steven Universe character who has a tree,
A tasty fruit beginning with C ~ Peter xx

What. Okay, okay. It's a riddle? You don't know. C could be a cherry? Yeah, let's go with cherry. Um, Steven Universe... WAIT. Pearl has a tree! A cherry blossom tree! There's one in the park. You're so clever.

You arrived at the tree to see a note.

A place where we always want to be,
A place that's perfect for you and me,
~ Peter xx

Um... Perfect For You! The anime store! You ran there because it was only across the road. You went inside to see Peter there. He was wearing a Yuri cosplay outfit.

"Will you be my Viktor if I'll be your Yuri?" He asked, sweating nervously.

All you did was stare and then hug him tightly.

"Yes, Peter. Yes."


Isaac came to your door and your Mum answered. She was surprised at your new friend. He was silent and did not show emotion in his facial expressions.
"(Y/N)! Your friend Isaac is here!" Your Mum shouted to your room. All you heard was "Isaac... here" and immediately ran to the front door.

You left with Isaac after saying a quick bye to your Mum. He said that he had a plan in-store for the both of you but he refused to tell you what.

At one point he stopped walking and blind-folded you. It's fantastic being guided somewhere blind-folded, especially when you don't know your destination until you get there.

Soon enough, he removed the cloth. Your eyes adjusted to the light and your mouth gaped open at what you saw.

A colossal Arena as cool as a fridge. The ground was ice and there were seats surrounding the ground.

Isaac grabbed your hand and pulled you over to the shoe stand with him. He found your shoe size and put it on you himself. You felt like he was your prince at this moment which made you blush. You really did like him.

Isaac sprinted forwards and then jumped. He landed on the ice and started skating. His movements were elegant and no mistakes were made.
All you could say was "Wow."

He then held your hand gently and danced with you on the ice. However, you fell, with Isaac falling on top of you.

From here, it was awkward.
Until he leaned in and kissed your cheek.

"Isaac likes (Y/N) very much." His gentle words made you blush and you nodded.

"I like you a lot, too, Isaac."

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