He Helps With Homework

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School was quite busy, like usual and you were finding it hard to concentrate in lessons. One hour you're studying geometry and the other you're memorizing Shakespearean plays. It was all too much but the most stressful was your upcoming history essay.

This subject wasn't your strongest and you did fairly badly on your previous test so you decided to work extra hard on this one. Your homework was to revise and remember all of your main points about how Hitler rebelled against the Treaty of Versailles in World War II. (I COULDN'T THINK OF ANYTHING HARD, OKAY?)

You made these flashcard things with the key bits of information but you were really tense and you couldn't memorize them properly. From stress alone, you couldn't relax.

Just as you were staring at the flashcards infront of you, your phone buzzed. You didn't want to be distracted but arguably, it would be good to take a break from history and socialise.

You unlocked your phone to see a text message from Chris. The conversation between the two of you read:

Chris: Hey (Y/N) 💖
You: hi chris
Chris: Something's wrong. I'll be over in 10 minutes.
You: you don't need to do that
You: chris
You: you idiot

After a couple of minutes of scrolling through some memes and pictures of your friends posing dramatically, you heard a knock on your door. You thought that Chris was joking but when he was stood outside your house, you knew that he was very much serious.

You let him in but plastered on a smile to convince him otherwise. However, he saw right through your act. The both of you went to your bedroom and you sprawled over your (f/c) covers.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)? And don't lie to me." He gave you a massive hug which despite being bone-crushing, was warm and loving. You sighed, giving in to his charms.

"There's this history essay that I need to study for. And I-I just can't concentrate!" You exclaimed, hitting an unfortunate pillow in frustration.
"I don't know what it is. Maybe it's just me." You said glumly. Chris frowned at this and snuggled up behind you on the bed.

His face was leaning in your back, between your shoulder blades.
"You just need some fun, that's all! Come on, I have the best idea!" He pulled you off of your bed and lead you outside. You reluctantly followed behind, not very keen about missing out on precious study time.

Chris brought you to the park and few streets away. It had a small pond and lots of trees. Early January was frosty and leaves were scattered on the ground. It wasn't quite snowing but the air was cool and your fingertips were frozen.

"Chris, it's cold!" You complained, rubbing your sleeveless arms.
"Can't we do this another day? Or at least go back for a jumper?" You didn't really want Chris to help because he always had these really obscure ways of doing so. And quite frankly, you weren't in the mood.

"No, (Y/N). There's no going back now!" He yelled in victory, as if he had climbed Mount Everest. You groaned at his remark and wondered where he got such energy from.

"Drop down, (Y/N), and give me 10." Chris commanded. You looked at him and was about to object but he already interrupted.
"C'mon, (Y/N), I'll start you off." He fell to the floor and began doing press-ups. Yet again, you were confused but joined him.

You noticed how Chris was surprisingly good at them but floppy on his belly at 6.
"*pant* Good *pant* good workout!" He smiled and caught his breath. You rolled your eyes at his silliness and grabbed a handful of leaves. Then, with one powerful propulsion, you threw them at him.

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