He Hurts You

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I'M SORRY. I DIDN'T WANT TO DO THIS. I'm going to try to make it short and have as less pain as possible.

Chris had his eyes glued to the TV screen. He had been like this for a week! Just playing video games constantly. He only ever got up if he needed to go to the toilet. Isaac made him food and left it on the kitchen table so that he'd actually get up.

He hardly slept but when he did, it was with the controller in his hand and spread along the sofa. Being the nice and wonderful girlfriend you are, you brought his goods to him and set up blankets and pillows so he could sleep more comfortably.

However, he never said thank you. You think he mumbled at small 'thanks' but it was probably just what you wanted to hear. You loved Chris and he loved you so the relationship was chill but it was unhealthy that he was no longer talking to you. Or anyone for that matter.

Being the caring and absolutely fantastic human being that you are, you understood and accepted that Chris was a massive fan if video games. You didn't mind that this was happening until he didn't let you play against him. That made you FURIOUS.

"Chris! You can't play games forever! This is unhealthy." You actually got him talking. Well, talking loudly and in form of an argument.

"Who made you the doctor? Did you go do medical school in the last five minutes?" Chris paused his game and was surprisingly facing you.

"Did you go to school at all? This is too much! Electricity shouldn't be used so carelessly in this way!" You breathed in and out. "Chris, Honey Bear, we miss you. Your brothers, Chloe and me. Please come out of this trance." Your voice was more gentle and motherly but Chris ignored that.

"NO! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU'RE THE BOSS OF ME? YOU'RE JUST A USELESS EXCUSE OF A GIRLFRIEND!" As soon as Chris ended his sentence, the room went completely silent. The only sounded was your whimpering.

By getting that anger out of his system, Chris had calmed down.
"Listen, (Y/N). I didn't me-" He started but you just ran out, crying. He called for you, tears running down his own face. Tears of regret and anger. He hated himself for doing that.

Not even you, his one and only Baby Bear, could love him now. Not after that.


Peter was upset. As in really upset. Chris was playing on his phone and accidentally uninstalled Twitter. For some reason, his account was deleted with it. He had the most followers on Twitter than other of his Social Media accounts and was rather shaken up that all of those friends were now gone to him.

Being the good person he is, Peter forgave Chris quickly but wanted to have some time alone. And in turn, you understood where he was coming at. However, it had been weeks and he would still hide in the coat closet, playing around with his electric guitar.

This was taking it a bit far. Peter was clearly sad about losing his internet friends like that but that made him forget about his real ones, waiting on the other side of the door for him.

You especially were determined to get him out of this crazy palava. He was too, ignoring you. Naturally, this upset you so you decided to do something about it. But that wasn't the wisest of choices.

You knocked on the door. A faint 'Go away' could be heard. As if you were leaving him in this state! You barged in, the light flooding the dimly-lit closet.

"UGH! What did I say? Go. Away." Peter spat at you, venom in his words. This hurt you a little on the inside but pushed that negative emotion out of your mind.

"Cutie Pie, tell me, what's wrong? Why are you still sad when you could be happy? All these friends that you lost, it's depressing, I know. But we're here for you. We're your friends. It might not be thousands but it's true friendship. And we're here for yo-"

"Just shut it! You are nothing compared to them! NOTHING! You're so irritating and clingy. I... I HATE you!" Peter shouted - no, screamed at you.

He swung the guitar, accidentally hitting your forehead in the process. This sent you stumbling backwards but you regained your balance again. You felt a small trail of blood trickle down the side of your face. It hurt but not as much as his harsh words.

You groaned in pain, trying to stop the blood but alas, it kept oozing out. Peter noticed and instantly stood up in shock. He was just about to reach you but you pulled your arm away.

"Oh my gosh. (Y/N), I am so sor-" Peter was about to spill out his apologies but no. You wouldn't allow it.

"Peter... I can't believe." You paused and exhaled. "I'm obviously not good enough for you." Your salty tears were just about to escape your eyelids so you turned on your heel and headed for the door.

"Cupcake! Hold up! Please, wait a second. I'M SORRY!" Peter cried after you. He was hollering your name in despair, wanting to wrap his arms around you again. The way it should be right now. But he messed up.


Your Mum's birthday was coming up soon and you wanted to do something special for her. She usually just got microwable meals and hardly ever had a proper dinner.

You decided to make a rather fancy dish of steak with a basil sauce, fried peppers, baked parsnips and oily broccoli. It didn't sound like much but you were sure that it would be wonderful. With Isaac's help, of course.

You knew what a great chef he was and also realised how passionate he was about cooking, too. It was very serious to him and even when you made the slightest mistake, he got angry.

Isaac wasn't one to show his feelings regularly but when his emotions were strong, he couldn't help but let them get the best of him.

"So how much basil? This much? Or this much? How about this much?" You kept on asking. Isaac rolled his eyes.

"Hey! Don't you dare diss me! That's very rude." You scolded Isaac, him rolling his eyes yet again and murmuring something to himself.

"Is that something you'd like to share with us, young man?" You placed you hands on your hips and tapped your foot, waiting expectantly.

"Isaac is doing something kind for (Y/N). Appreciate it." He snarled through slightly gritted teeth. If that's how he wants to play.

"Yes, you are and I love you for that but I've done nice things for you before! I sharpened your shurikens, washed the mysterious blood off of your axe, cleaned out and fixed the fridge. That's just last week!" You fired back at him, having more than one example. This made you feel a bit better but very soon wanted to take back your words and actions.

"SHUT UP! LEAVE ISAAC ALONE! ISAAC NO LONGER LOVES YOU!" In rage, he smashed a bowl against the wall behind you by launching it from his hands that were now clenched into tight fists.

The china was shattered into millions of tiny pieces, some bouncing off as a reflex and cutting into the back off your arm. You yelled in pain and ripped them out of your skin, furiously.

It hurt a lot and the blood was already dripping down towards your hand. Isaac only just realised the red substance along your arm and tried to grab it for an examination but you turned so he couldn't.

"Isaac didn't want to harm-" He was cut off by you storming out, throwing your (F/C) bag ober your shoulder and rushes towards the door. Isaac followed you in attempt of stopping you from leaving.

"Forget it Isaac. Forget it." You shook you head, looking down at the floor. A few tears were brimming in your eyes.

"(Y/N)... Isaac is an idiot. ISAAC FEELS SHAME!" Your EX- boyfriend fell to his knees, calling out for you hopelessly. He watched you jog into the distance, his field of vision blurred by the over-flowing tears of sadness and dismay.

Isaac felt weak. He wasn't even man enough to keep you happy and safe. He... physically hurt you. This made him feel like a monster. Isaac had lost you.

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