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Duncan's POV:

Holy Shit! I've never seen Lewis like this. he told Sjin, Sips and I to look for weapons and I smiled for some weird reason. we all went our separate ways. I cant believe this is actually happening to us. I've seen World War Z and The Walking Dead but I never guessed it would actually happen. Sips and I went to the kitchen and Sjin went to see what was upstairs. We looked to see what was in there. Knives mostly. We'll need them! I grabbed every single sharp one no matter what size. The girls can have the little ones. I handed them To Chris and he smiled. I ran up to my office and looked around. I found a crowbar and my Machete from the Don't Starve Challenge. I loved that challenge.

At the moment, it feels like a dream, I feel like reality hasn't caught up to me yet!

We all met up in the kitchen and laid out our weapons we found. A Crowbar, my Machete, 2 bats, 10 knives and a shovel. I think for the time being we are sorted.

Liam's POV:

Food, food, food!

Martyn and I ran into the kitchen and noticed that Duncan and Chris had already raided it. I looked through the pantry and saw at least 20 boxes of 24 Jaffa Cakes. I say a half eaten box a Krave, some biscuits and about 6 tins. I put it all in a bag and looked over to Martyn. He had looked through the Fridge and the cupboards and laid out everything he found on the table. 2 pints of milk, a loaf of bread and some sandwich filling. I somehow got it all stuffed into my bag and put it on my back. I'm Guessing Our Tesco Delivery wont be arriving anytime soon. We walked back into the living room to see Paul, Chris and Duncan. they had the weapons they found laid out on the table. they found quite a lot...

Toms POV:

Medicine. I ran into Lewis office where i know that there is a first aid kit. There is one in nearly every office, a small one anyway. Lewis has the big one. I opened it up and say painkillers, plasters, disinfectant spray, guaze and loads of other medical shit! I put all into my pockets and is was going in the same bag as the water. I went to all the offices to see what they had in their kits. they had Painkillers, Anti-septic wipes, Plasters and banages. I tried to get it all into my pockets and made my way back to the Living room where Sips, Sjin and Duncan were spreading the weapons out. no surprise Duncan has his Machete.

Kim's POV:

Me, Zoey and Hannah have all the taps in Yogtowers running at once. we found every single botte in the whole buliding. We fill any container with water. I hope it'll be enough. we put the lids on so tight and put them in the bag. somehow I got stuck with carrying it. I was so heavy. we took it into the Living room and Sparkles* put the Medicine in it. I wonder how Simon and Lewis are doing...

Simons POV:

we walked out to the Garage and looked to see what was there. Sadly no motorbike. I wanted to ride out like Daryl from The Walking Dead. I turned to lewis,

"Lewis, I think we should take Duncan's Van and Chris' car." I said.

"Good idea friend!" He replied, vaguely. His 'Leader' tone gone. it had been replaced by worry.

"Is something wrong Lewis?" I asked.

"Seriously Simon, you are the ONLY person who would ask me this during a zombie apocalypse!"he replied exasperated.

"So Lewis, Where we going to go?"

"I don't know friend, I don't know."

Run, Yogscast! Run! -ON HOLD-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang