Over run.

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Lewis POV:

Since the moment, We met Alaska and Lottie, Hannah has been paranoid. Over the last few weeks, you would have thought that she would have calmed down but she hasn't. I climbed off the roof to look for Alaska. When i looked in the bedrooms, she wasnt there.

I looked downstairs but couldnt find her. I met the others in the living room and asked,

"Hey Friends?" They all turned to look at me, "Have any of you seen Alaska?"

They look around the room and shake their heads. Zoey speaks first,

"Yea, Where is she? And Tom?"

Chris nods, "And Lottie and Martyn?"

We all start to panic before Lottie walks in behind me.

"Don't worry your little cotton socks! im okay, Martyns upstairs. He fell asleep.. but don't know where Alaska and Tom are."

Simon raises his hand, like a kid at primary school.

"I do."

We all look at him, in shock. "They've left. I was on watch and Alaska came to see me..."


SImons POV:

I was sat on the roof, with a bow and arrow, although I cant use this thing. I heard someone walking across the roof and sit next to me.

"Hey Simon!" Alaska says all happy.

"Hey Ai! Whats got you so happy?"

She sighs and looks at me, "Tom! but I need you to do me a favour. I'm leaving again and Tom said he will come with me." I look at her with a mixture of confusion and disappointment. "I don't want you to tell anyone. Only tell the others if they ask. Please Simon, but tell Char, one thing...."


"Tell me What?!" Charlotte asks, annoyance fills her voice.

"Tell you tha-"

i was stopped by someone banging on the door. We looked around the room an heard Hannah run down the stairs.

"I-I couldn't see who it was!"

Chris walked up to the door and answered it. There stood Alaska and Tom. Head to foot in Zomie blood.

"H-Horde!" are the only words she says before she turns and runs back into the fight. I look behind her and see a good 2000 biters behind her.


A/N There Back!!! But what did Alaska ask simon to tell her??? Wait and see!!! (Hope you all have had a few brill months of 2014!!!!)

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