Escaping Death

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Lewis' POV:

Lottie and Martyn went into action mode and grabbed a bow each, I threw them a quiver full of arrows each. Alaska and Tom had ran back in after having a very bad start to the fight. The both stood in the Living room, where we all were. Just before Lottie had chance to run into the fight without any weapon, Alaska chucked Lottie a blade of some sort and lottie smiled and ran at the horde, slicing heads as she ran. I turned to Tom who had collapsed, breathing heavily.

His clothes were ripped and covered in blood. Alaska had left and walked into the kitchen

I shook my head, and turned around to look for Hannah, but I couldnt see her, or Zoey...

I ran upstairs, jumping the steps two at a time, and climbed up to the roof, I saw Hannah and Zoey, crouched, holding bows and aiming at the biters, I sighed in relief.

I signalled to Zoey, told her to go help Lottie and Martyn. I watched as Simon run out to help. He was wielding Duncans Machete...

I smiled, he kept it! After all this time.

Lotties POV:

Martyn and I were running around shooting everything we could. Well.. He was shooting and I was slicing. Alaska gave me mothers Katana. I thought father sold it but he didn't. No matter how hard we tried to defeat this horde, nothing worked. Hannah and Zoey are shooting from the top while Martyn and I handle the ground

Soon, we had started to run out of arrows. I handed Martyn the Katana while i ran inside and looked around to find something. All I could find were the knives we brought with us. Back at home, we had loads o pf things but now we have nothing. I grabbed the knives and ran back out. Zoey came down and was helping us. So was Simon and Chris, Simon was using Duncans Machete. I thought duncan left that... He probably went back to pick it up and Chris was using a bit of wood he found. Tom ran out from behind me and joined in the fight. Alaska stayed put in the kitchen.

I ran into the horde, killing the dead as I ran. I heard zoey shout out to Simon,


Simon laughed,

"just because I'm a dwarf doesn't mean you need to make Lord of the Ring jokes!"

I laugh as I killed a biter, "It kinda does!"

Soon we turned this into a game but when I turned to face Zoey, my world went into slow motion.

while zoey was killing a biter, one was behind her.

I tried to shout to her, but my mouth went dry.

She was too distracted by the one in front of her to notice,

All to soon, it took a bite.

I ran up to it and stabbed it in the eye and picked up Zoey, just as she collapses. I half picked, half carried her Into the house. Chris ran in behind me and helped me carry her onto the kitchen table. He looked at Zoeys body and Gasped,


Alaska noticed something and told me and Chris to get out. I know what my sister is like when someone she cares for dies, I left her be...

Alaskas POV:

I set Z on the table and cradled her head in my lap. She looked at me and said, weakly,


"Z?! Im here! What happened?" I said, more tears rolling down my face. She moved her sleeve up her arm and revealed a-

"No!" I said, my voice shaky and weak, "Z! Please! You can't! You promised me!"

She weakly smiled as a tear rolled out of the corner of her eye,

"y-you left me."

I'm having trouble breathing now.

"I know and I regret it. The second we saw the horde, I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I had to know you would be safe. Please Z, you can't!!"

She smiled weakly and pulled her hand up to her necklace. She pulled it off and forced it into my hands. It was the one I found back at my house. It was one mother got me for Christmas, it had 'live to love' written on it. I looked Back at Zoey, her eyes were glassy and her skin was pale.

"Have. Fun."

She looked up at ceiling and said one final thing,

"I'll tell the others you said Hi!"

Tom ran in and saw what happened. I fell backwards and fell into his arms. He pulled me into a hug as I sobbed into his shoulder. She changed who I was. She made me see the fun side to life. Zoey was my everything.

Tom and I fell to the floor and I broke down. I looked up at her and saw her lips in the shape of a smile. I wiped my eyes and stood up. I looked at her lifeless body and closed her eyes. Long Live Zoey Proasheck, the best person I know.

Then an ear-piercing scream ran though the place.

Martyns POV:

Lottie ran back out from the house, and joined into the fray again, Simon was in the middle hacking and slashing with Duncans machete.

Mine and Lotties eyes met over the carnage, and we both looked paniced as we saw what was going to happen.

Simon, the innocent (ish) one, was fighting for his life, and he couldnt see what was going to happen.

Me and Lottie both started running at the same time, and Lottie got there just before the walkers, and threw herself infront of Simon.

Simons POV:

I was killing a zombie when i heard Martyn shout, and i turned just in time to see Lottie launch herself infront of me.The zombie bit into her, and she stabbed a knife into it, and stood up,

Seconds later, Tom and Alaska came running out, and more zombies came from behind the house, we all ran in different directions.

Me and Lottie were running together, but thankfully, no zombies followed us. We still ran for a considerable amount of time, but then we realised... we were lost!

Alaskas POV:

Me and Tom were running together, yet most of the hoarde had followed us, we ran for 10 minutes but then realised...we were lost!

Martyns POV:

I was running for ages when I stopped for breath and realised...I was lost...and alone!

Hannahs POV

Me and Lewis ran, when we stopped, I could see nothing around me except trees, and Lewis...

I think we got lost

Chris' POV:

I'm alone...and the it a time to mention the fact that I don't particularly like the dark doesn't help. We got split up... Shit!

A/N what the fuck is wrong with us??? First zoey, then Paul. Then Duncan and Kim, now Zoey (again) DON'T BLAME ME!!! blame lottie!!! (hehe)

Love you Hybrids!!! <3

Rosie xxx

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