Raging Hell

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Alaska's POV:

I walk into the room and see Char sleeping. Aww I think but then I see who is next to her. 

"What the fuck Char?!" 

She starts to wake up,

"Huh? What?" 

She sits up and looks around the room. She stops when she see's Martyn. She looks at him, puzzled and I clear my throat. She looks at me and I just cross my arms and look at her with pure shame and disgust. I turn away and walk down the hallway. On the way I pick up my bow an quiver full of arrows. I walk towards the front bedroom and out the window and onto the roof.

"Alaska! Wait!" I hear Char shout but she doesn't risk climbing onto the roof. I sit on the roof and pull my knees up to my chest. The silence starts to scare me so I pull out my iPod and earphones out of a hidden pocket in my quiver. Soon I am forgetting about the dead walking around and listening to my music.

Sparkles* POV:

I walked upstairs to see what was happening and all I saw was Alaska climb out of the window, Lottie follow her but stay inside the house. Martyn walked out of Lottie's Bedroom and I Look at him.

"Hey, Littlewood!?" 

He looks over at me, sadly and I ask,

"What the fuck happened?!"

He walks down the stairs an we walk into the conservatory and he explains what happened last night and between Lottie and him.


Woah. Martyn told me everything that happened. I walked out if the conservatory and into the kitchen. I grabbed 2 flasks and made cups of tea. I walk upstairs to the window and climb out to sit on the roof with Alaska. I climb across the roof and sit next to her. I hand her the flask and she takes it of my hands,

"Thanks Sparkles*"

She says, her voice was quiet and weak.

"Alaska, I spoke with Martyn and he said that it wasn't what it looked like. Char had been screaming out in pain and he had gone in to comfort her. nothing happened between them. Why did you walk out though?" 

He doesn't reply "Alaska?" I put my hand on her shoulder and she unplugs an earphone and looks at me,

"What's up, Tom?" 

I sigh and start to laugh. 

"I spoke with Martyn and he said that the only reason they ended up falling asleep together was because Lottie was in massive pain." 

She sighs and lowers her hood,

"I'm just ashamed of her. Before the whole world went to shit, she had a boyfriend. The first thing she did was look for Tyler. She didn't speak for the rest of the day and I'm ashamed that she has already moved on, Do you think..."

"Yes, I do think so..."

She sighs and I cuddle her. 

"Ali, you worry to much. You've been looking after her for years. Maybe you need to lighten off her. She's 17 . She can look after herself.Maybe you should leave to cool of for a day or two" 

She sighs and says

"Maybe your right Tom. Thanks. You go on in, I'll finish this watch. Thanks for the tea!" 

I smile and kiss her on the forehead. 

"Be safe!" 

And I climb back Into the house

Alaska's POV:

I am not falling for Tom

I am not falling for Tom

I am not falling for Tom

I am not falling for Tom

I think i am falling for Tom

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