Split up

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Simons POV:

Lottie and I had been running for a while and we had to stop. I lent up against the bottom of a tree. Soon I heard a massive thump. I turned around to see that Lottie had fallen onto the floor and had curled into a ball.

"Shit," I said, dropping to the ground beside her, she began to cry out in pain, but I clamped my hand over her mouth.

"Lottie, listen to me," I whispered urgently, "We are out here with no food, no water...and a machete, if we get ambushed, we are DEAD! So, however much it hurts, you MUST stay silent!

She nodded, and I cautiously took my hand away.

She scrunched up her eyes in pain...

Night had now fallen, and we were in almost complete darkness,

We were in for a rough night!

Toms POV:

Me and Alaska ran and ran, but the horde wouldn't leave us, I suddenly noticed a tree branch hanging down, I yelled to Alaska,

"Get ready for a leg-up!"

She noticed the branch, and nodded.

We sped up and got to the branch, I quickly pushed Alaska up the tree and pulled myself up. We scrambled up the tree and sat there, panting heavily, staring down at the hoarde beneath us. When they started to claw at our ankles, we climbed more until we found a thick branch and rested there, until the hoarde left

Martyns POV:

I ran and ran until i could run no more, and I collasped in a heap. The katana that Lottie gave me laid next to me, my lungs were burning and my legs are aching My mind wandered to Lottie, and if she was doing any better than I was, I just hoped that she wasnt alone..

Lotties POV:

The pain was just begining to subside, when I heard a few rustles from leaves, and some quiet, low groans. i rolled over, and saw Simon, he had set a fire, and it was quite bright. I leapt to my feet and tried to smother it with a wet log.

"Hey!!" Simon exclaimed indigantly, "That took me FOREVER!"

i shushed him, and mouthed, "Biters!"

we slowly got to our feet and then ran...we ran for our lives! When we had run a considerable amount more, we stopped under a large tree, and sat down.

"Well, there's one good thing coming from this," Simon said.


"I'm losing weight!"

We both started laughing when I stood up and said,

"Simon, you said that Alaska had to tell me something, what was it?"

Simons POV:



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