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Hannah's POV:

She was by best friend. We had such a laugh all the time and now she's gone. It's hard to get over it but to survive, we must. I look around the van. Lewis, Chris and Duncan are sat in the front while the rest of us are sat on the floor of the van.

Simon had fallen asleep and so had Tom. Martyn and Paul were playing games on their phone and Liam and Kim where sat staring at the floor. I stood up.

"I know you guys probably don't want to hear this. But it needs to be said. Zoey was my best friend and I'm as shocked as you are but she sacrificed herself so that we could live, and I don't think that she would appreciate the fact that we are sitting on our asses and mourn. Once we find some were to stay for a while we can have a service for her but right now, we need to find that place and to do that we need to pull ourselves together. So, we do this for you Zoey!" I said.

I hear Liam mutter "For Zoey!" and soon the whole group is saying it.

Things soon start to lighten up but soon i hear Duncan say, "Fuck!"

We all quieten and notice that he pulls to the side of the road.

"What's going on?" Paul asked worriedly.

"We're out of fuel!" Duncan replied.

I grab the knife that he gave me and opened the side doors. Lewis gives me a look and I just say,

"Well, we'd better get walking then!" I said, jumping out an grabbing a bag.

We wake Tom, and then have difficulty waking Simon as he was 'dreaming about Jaffa Cakes'.

---------------------------2 hours later -------------------------

"My feet hurt!"

"Are we there yet?"

"I'm hungry!"

"I'm thirsty!"

"I think I have a blister!"

"I need to pee!"

"Where are we going?"

"Can I rest yet?"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" I screamed.

"Woah, stressy!" Duncan muttered under his breath.

I stopped, went to go turn around but then something caught my eye.

"What is it, Hannah?" Lewis asked.

"There's are houses, over there a street, I think a small town!" I replied excitedly.

"Hannah, you're a genius!" Martyn said.

We ran over as fast as we could, yet the place seemed to be deserted. We looked through the windows of the houses, but there was no one there, all the lights were off, in every house, every street.

"Guys, something isn't right," said Kim.

Then, I heard a click behind me.

A deep voice said "Get on the ground now."

No one reacted.

"I said NOW!!!"

Everyone dropped to the ground, except for Martyn, who turned around and said "Fuck that!"

Then, he saw the gun in the guys hand. The guy pointed it at Martyn's head and said "Goodbye, you twat!"

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