Wake up Calls!

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Duncan's POV:

It was late morning, around 10 o'clock. Almost everyone had surfaced, we were debating wether to stay here a bit longer, or to move on...

"Duncan?" Someone yelled.

"Yes?" I yelled back.

Alaska walked round the corner and said, "can you go and wake Lewis, Hannah, Martyn, Tom and Charlotte?"

I nodded, and walked upstairs, I woke Tom first, as he was on the first floor of the house, he woke up willingly enough. I went along the hallway to Lewis room, and as I guessed, Hannah was in there too. After waking them, I walked into Martyn's room on the second floor, but to my surprise, he wasn't in there.I shrugged and walked into Lottie's room, I smiled at the sight before me...

Lottie and Martyn were fast asleep, Martyn's arms were around Lottie's waist, and she was snuggled into his chest. I backed out of the room, and walked downstairs, smiling.

Alaska's POV:

I walked up to Duncan.

"Where's Char? I asked you to wake her up, half an hour ago!" I asked.

"I left her upstairs, she looked...very comfortable, i didn't want to wake her!"

"Fine, I'll do it, also where's Martyn?"

"Also asleep, he...ummm...he wouldn't wake up."

"I'll get Simon to wake him up!"

I walked off.

"Simon, come wake Martyn?" I shouted at him.

"What's in it for me?" He yelled back.

"Jaffa Cakes!"

I hear him jump up and run in.

"C'mon, let's go!" He said, excitedly.

We walked up to the second floor, and Simon peeked round Martyn's door and then said.

"Wake u-Where is he?" 

I looked in and Martyn was nowhere to be seen. I walked into Lottie's room with Simon...

"What the Fuck Char?!"

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