Ask Her!

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Hannah's POV:

So, Alaska is back. Zoey is alive and more badass than ever. Lottie is being the leader and, from pure knowlage, i can tell that Lewis isnt happy. These girls are causing hell for this group. Tom and Alaska are 'together'. Not sure whats happening between Lottie and Martyn but something is happening and only now do we realise that Zoey doesn't know about Liam.

"Hey guys," we look up at Zoey, "Where's Liam?"

we look around and then she gasps, "No! He's not!"

i pu my hand on her shoulder and calm her down,

"No, he's not. He left. he thought you were dead, we all did, but thought that he would do better on his own."

Her eyes widen and then something hits. She runs over to her bag and pulls out a photo frame. She sits down on the floor and hands it to me,

"I thought one of you guys dropped this. Alaska found it about a mile away from the house."

On the photo stood all of us. Paul, Chris, Martyn, Lewis, Simon, The whole crew! Kim and Duncan! Zoey and Liam. Everyone!

I pass it around and hear Simon say,

"I had it! I gave it to Liam. I told him to take care of it. He must have dropped it."

Zoey shakes her head and then she must have realised something because she gasped and fell off her chair.

"I knew i recognised that face from somewhere!" she said under her breath,

"What do you mean, friend?" Lewis asked,

"Last week, I was taking watch and a biter walked up to me and i knew i recognised the face. I didn't think it was possible to be him."

She started to cry and then we all realised what happened. Liam died. Zoey had no choice. We sat there in silence and then Alaska walked in. She had been making sure Charlotte was okay and that when she came around, there was no serious injurys. We sat and had something to eat and her and Zoey told us about some of their adventures.

"Well, We went back to the house about 5 days back," She said, "It took a lot of pursuading but Z let me, W-"

"Why do you call her Z?" Chris asked,

Zoey chuckled and then said,

"When i first met Alaska, i hadnt been calling myself Zoey, I was Z. 'Zoey' reminded me to much of you guys,"

I went 'Aww' and we all chuckled,

"Any who!" Alaska continued, "When we arrived, you guys had left and we looted the house. We found some bits and bobs but not much, " She walks over to her quiver that sits behind the door,

"I found Duncans Machete... Where IS Duncan?"

"Yea," Zoey said, "And Kim and Paul?!"

We all explained to her what has happened since we left the office and told them what happened to Duncan and Kim. They both broke down into tears and then we had to tell Zoey about Paul. How he died and Charlotte never left his side. i wanted to show her the grave we made Paul but that was back at the house. Soon Lewis walked out, saying that he was going to take the next watch.

We sat chatting but then Charlotte walked in and had a go at Alaska. I'm not sure about the others but Alaska has changed. She's more care-free and less risk-taking. Soon Tom and Martyn got involved and they started to argue. Soon they calmed down and Lottie passed out. Alaska making a really bad joke! i walked out and sat down, outside. Lewis followed me and i turned to him,

"You never asked her, did you?"

he shook his head, "How could i Hannah? Its not everyday i have to ask someone what their life was like before the world went to shit!"

"Yes, but we have to be on the safe side! Please Lewis! She trusts you!"

He sighed and said okay. I said i would sit out here while he asked Alaska.

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