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Curse Pov
     I went to my room as soon as my tail faded away. I sat on my bed and looked around my room. I can't believe I'm really going to Auradon. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Maybe I should start packing. I do leave tomorrow.
     I pack all my clothes into one carry on, I don't have many clothes. Then I fit the rest of my essentials into another small bag, again I don't have a lot of things. Then, I get my purse that I stole when I was 13. It's a normal size messenger bag, with a purple and black design on it.
     I decide to put my trinkets in here and carry it around. I have a huge curiosity, so that means when I steal things. I steal things that make me curious. Similar to Ariel,all those years ago, I have a collection of trinkets. Most of them are from the times I was stealing supplies. I then ended up having my collection.
The one downfall in going to Auradon, I can't collect anything. In Auradon it will seem like stealing. And there is no stealing in Auradon.
"Okay, I've finished packing," I said to myself. Then I took another look around my room. 'I can't believe I'm really leaving this place.' I thought to
I should get some sleep. It's already dark outside. This is my last time sleeping in my bed. I bit my lip at the thought of leaving everything behind.
"It's ok Curse, I want to go, and there's no backing out now," I said to myself.
I get on pajamas and slip into my bed. I'm just so happy that I'm going to leave this Isle and go to Auradon. I kept thinking in my mind until I drifted off to sleep.
Meanwhile in Auradon
Evie Pov
"I'm so exited. We finally get to see Curse again, Mal,"I said.
"Yeah I'm excited too,"Mal said.
Another bed was already added into our room, along with a dresser. I'm just so excited to catch up with Curse. I mean, we haven't seen her since we were four, we need to make up for the lost time. And I get to make her dresses to for special occasions.
     "Mal," I said," how much do you think that Curse has changed. Do you think she still want to be friends with us?"
     Mal looked up from the book she was reading and said," Well, I think Curse hasn't changed that much, since she had big dreams and said she would hold onto them. No matter how silly they were. And it's up to her if she still wants up to be her friends. She's been in isolation for all those years with no one to talk to, but if she doesn't want us as friends, then we will still be there for her."
     "I guess you're right Mal," I said,"well it's late and I'm tired, so I'm going to bed. Good night Mal."
"Good night Evie,"Mal responded.
We turned off the light and went to sleep.
The next day!
Curse Pov
When I woke up I got dressed in the outfit that I planned, and sat on my windowsill. I was looking out  at Auradon.
"I still can't believe I'm leaving this place,"I said to myself,"I'm going to miss it here. Especially mom, she's what I'm going to miss the most. I don't really care for anything else here."
     I don't leave for another hour and a half. So right now I'm going to bring my bags to the door. I carried my two bags to my front door and left them there, while I had my messenger bag over my shoulder.
     Then I go back to my room and sit on my windowsill again. This time look at the Isle. I haven't walked freely outside in so long. The only time I would go outside is to steal supplies and food.
     "I should talk to mom, I'm not going to see her. I need to spend time with her before I leave,"I said to myself. Which led me walking to mom's room. Once I got there I jump into the tank.
     Once my tail formed, I spotted mom and said,"Hey mom, I just wanted to talk to you before I leave."
     "Of course sweetheart,"she said.
     "I don't have much time left before I go, but I just wanted to say that I'm gonna miss you, and I love you,"I said.
     "Yes I'm gonna miss you too. But this is what you wanted for a long time and it's finally here," she said.
     "Yeah, I'm really excited. I won't have to steal food or supplies anymore. They already have it for you," I said excitedly.
     "I want you to know Curse, that I love you and always will,"mom said.
     "I love you too, but it's time for me to go now,"I said while looking down
     "Okay sweetheart. I'm gonna miss you,"she said while putting her finger under my chin and pulling my face up," I love you so much."
"I love you too,"I said and then hugged her. When I let go I got out of the tank and looked back at my mom,"Bye." I waved.
"Bye,"she said calmly while waving.
I walked to the door. I grabbed my bags and headed out to the edge of the Isle where they were going to pick me up. When I got there, a bunch of people making a path for me towards the limo. They were all staring at me, which made me really uncomfortable. Once I got to the limo, the guy put my bags ,except my messenger bag, in the trunk.
Then I got into the limo and it started to move towards Auradon. I looked back at the Isle, the place where I grew up, I'm leaving it.
'There's no turning back now,"I thought to myself.


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