10(oh double digits)

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One hour ago
Nial Pov
     I turned around to see that Arianna bumped into Curse. I saw the panic in her eyes, which made me exhibit dismay. I dragged her by the hand in which I was still holding and shoved her into an empty classroom. Fortunately before her tail had formed, and she fell in front of everyone.
"Why'd you push her in there?"Arianna asked.
"Why do you need to know?"I asked in return.
"Why'd you use that tone with me?"Arianna asked. People started to crowd around us. I blocked the door so that no one could get in. Curse doesn't want anyone to know, and I respect that.
"Well, answer my question Nial,"Arianna demanded.
"Nial what's going on?"Mal asked while she appeared next to me.
"Is there something wrong with Curse?"Evie asked from next to Mal.
"Well...um..."I started before being interrupted.
"What's going on here,"Fairy Godmother shouted while pushing past everyone,"Nial, let my into the classroom."
"Uh, o-ok,"I muttered while moving out of the way of the door.
"Everyone off to class the bell already rang,"Fairy Godmother shouted while walking into the room. And with that, everyone walked off to their next class. I was the last to get to class though.
Present time
"I was only in there for an hour,"she said with a smile.
"Yeah but I was still scared dummy,"I whispered.
"Well I'm okay retard,"she muttered. I looked into her submerge eyes, seeing the serenity she has.
"Curse! Are you okay?!"Mal said as we both looked up. She tried to hide her smile from seeing us in the position we are in, but failed. I let go of Curse's face while she unwrapped her arms from around my neck.
"I'm great Mal,"Curse told her sarcastically.
"Whatever with your sarcasm,"Mal argued,"but I actually have to talk to you after school. When we are in our room. So be there."
"Ok Mal,"Curse bellowed,"I'll be in my room."
And with that Mal walked to her next class. I walked Curse to her next class. When we got there I gave her a kiss on her forehead and whispered...
"I love you." And walked away before hearing what she had to say.
Curse Pov
He just said he loves me. I mean, we just kissed and, I don't know. I like him that way, but I guess I love him too. Even though I didn't say it out loud.
When last period was over I walked out of class to put away my stuff. I shoved my stuff in my locker and turned around. I started to walk to my dorm, but got stopped by Arianna.
"Hello VK,"Her voice said, as she stood behind me.
I didn't say anything. I just stood there not wanting this to happen right now. Will they accept me? I just want to be accepted into this school. I don't hurt anyone, I don't steal for pleasure.
"Back off of her Arianna,"I heard someone else behind me say.
"Fine,"Arianna muttered,"but only because I don't want you to tell mom." I heard Arianna stomp away and I turned around. Finding out that the other person behind me was Melody.
"Sorry about my little sister,"Melody said,"she got spoiled when she was little and she ended up like this."
"That's fine,"I whispered. She looked like she was about to say something before Mal walked up to me.
"Curse we really need to talk, oh hi Melody,"Mal bellowed.
"Well I'm going to go now, so see ya,"Melody cried as she walked away.
Mal grabbed my hand and dragged me the rest of the way to our dorm. And by the time we got to the dorm Evie was already on her bed, doing her homework.
     "Hey guys,"Evie bellowed.
     "Hi Evie,"I whispered.
     "Hey Eve, the two of us need to talk so don't mind us. And you know already this,"Mal told Evie.
     "Ok, I remember,"Evie whispered and went back to completing her homework.
"You might want to take a seat for this Curse,"Mal suggested. I sat down at the edge of my bed and faced Mal. Who was sitting on the edge of her bed facing me.
     "So what up Mal?"I asked. I crossed my legs and sat cris cross applesauce on the edge of my bed.
     "It's about you,"Mal muttered.
"Did I do something wrong!"I shouted.
"No no, you did nothing wrong, but the whole pint is that you are doing something great,"Mal said,"you're helping Nial."
"What do you mean I'm helping him,"I asked.
"Well you see, Ben told me the other day that Nial...um, how do I say this,"Mal muttered.
"What is it Mal?" I said sincerely.
"Nial has depression....."

A.N.-hello! Thanks for reading. and just so you know, I've been a little stressed lately, so I may be taking longer on updating. That includes my other books, if you guys even read those, which I doubt. But yeah, I may  take longer to update...

 But yeah, I may  take longer to update

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