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Mal Pov
    "Where are we going Ben?"I ask.
"We are going to the Enchanted Lake,"Ben said,"if that's ok with you."
"Yeah I'm okay with this,"I told him,"but why exactly?"
"I need to talk to you about something,"Ben said,"and it can't really wait."
"That's ok,"I said,"if something's urgent, then I'm okay with it."
When we finally got to the Enchanted Lake, I walked over to the edge and sat down. I dangled my feet over the edge of the platform, while Ben sat down next to me. I rested my head on Ben's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Well,"I said,"what is so urgent that we have to talk about right this instant?"
"You see,"he said,"its about Curse....."

Time skip to the next day, brought to you by...

Curse Pov
I opened my locker to grab my books, while trying to avoid everyone else. That was until I felt a hand push down on my head.
"Merp." I turned around to see Nial's hand on my head. His smile brought joy to my face.
"Was that really necessary?"I asked, while removing his hand from atop of my head.
"Very,"he said with a smile,"now come on we have to get to class, we have next class together."
"Oh yeah,"I said perplexed,"I forgot."
"That's ok Curse,"Nial said. He grabbed my hand and dragged me towards our next class. That was before someone bumped into me. I looked over and saw that Arianna had "accidentally" bumped into me, and split water on me. I looked over at Nial and saw that his face showed dismay. Nial pulled me, by my hand in which he still held onto, and pushed me into the closest empty classroom. Nial closed the door just as my tail formed and I fell to the floor.
     "This is great,"I said quietly to myself. I opened my bag that I still had around my torso. I pulled out the blanket that I had put in there earlier and covered up, from my tail to my shoulders. I laid down on my back and looked at the ceiling.
     "What did I do to deserve this?"I asked aloud to no one in particular.
     "I do not think you deserve this Curse,"I heard someone say. I shot up and saw that Fairy Godmother was in the classroom in front of me.
     "Um...hi,"I said anxiously.
     "Can you explains to me why everyone is gathered up outside of my classroom, why Nial was blocking the door, and for heaven sakes why you have a blanket on,"she said.
     "Well that's a fun story,"I said while looking down at the floor.
     "I'll listen," she said,"although I'm going to have to excuse you from your next class. Alright start your story."
     "Well you see,"I said as I pulled away the blanket revealing my tail,"I turn into a mermaid whenever I touch water. Just now, Nial and I were walking to our next class when Arianna "accidentally" bumped into me and spilt water all over me. Nial pushed me in here so that no one would see my tail. And that's how we kinda got here."
     "Ok, that explains it,"she said,"but you said you become a mermaid whenever you touch water, correct?"
     I nodded.
     "Can you tell me why you have this power to turn into a mermaid,"she asked.
     "Um...its starts back to when I was born,"I said,"I was born with legs, but I looked exactly like my mother. The problem was that we couldn't do anything together, and all I wanted at the time was to spend time with my mother. Hm...on my fourth birthday, my mother said she had a potion that allowed me to breath under water. We both took the chance, when I drank the potion, I turned into the me I look like right now. Mother accidentally added the very last bit of Ariel's voice into the potion, and since we were on the Isle, the potion would have screwed up anyway. And that's why I turn into a mermaid when I touch the water. I basically became a copy of Ariel."
An hour had passed by the time I finished speaking, and my legs had reformed. I pulled my legs up to my chest and buried my face into my knees.
"Curse I..."Fairy Godmother started before being interrupted by the bell. The bell that indicated that this period was over.
In a matter of seconds there was a knock at the door. Fairy Godmother walked over and opened the door. When she opened the door Nial came into the classroom.
I looked up from my knees to see Nial's concerned face. I gave him a small smile before trying to stand up. Nial grabbed my hand and helped me stand up, then pulling me into an embrace.
"Are you okay?"Nial asked.
"I'm fine, really,"I said into his chest.
"Well I guess I'll leave you two to getting ready for your next classes,"Fairy Godmother said,"and I'll be dealing with Arianna."
"Thank you, Fairy Godmother,"Nial said.
"You're most welcome Nial,"she said as she walked out of the classroom.
"We should get ready for next period,"Nail said. I nodded and followed him out of the classroom.
     When we arrived at my locker, Nial grabbed both sides of my face in both of his hands and brought my lips to his. I melted into the kiss, and wrapped my arms around Nial's neck. I didn't even care what everyone around us was thinking. I finally pulled away and looked into Nial's caramel eyes.
"You have no idea how worried I was about you,"Nial said, while pushing a strand of my hair out of my eyes.
"I was only in there for an hour,"I said with a smile.



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