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Curse Pov
"Fine,"I tease him "But only because it's the best offer I've gotten so far."
"It's better than no,"Nial whispered. He snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest. I snaked my own arms around his torso and laid my head against his built chest. I closed my eyes while listening to his steady heartbeat.
A year later
Tomorrow is Family Day. The one day I've been dreading since Mal and Evie told me about what had happened last year. Especially because, there was a lot of dumb drama and stuff, and I really hate when there's drama and a bunch of other stuff.
     But Nial said I would get to meet his parents. But I'm really excited because I get to see my mother. Over a screen, but it's better than nothing.
(me with my YouTube family)
Evie and I were almost done planning out my outfit for tomorrow. I told Evie that I needed help, not making a fool of my self in front of Nial's parents. That's how it turned into figuring out what I was wearing for almost an hour straight. Especially when Evie hasn't even chosen her clothes.
"Evie you should pick out your stuff,"I whined,"we've been planning on only mine for the past half hour."
"No,"Evie sternly said,"you have to look beautiful tomorrow. It's your first Family Day in Aurodon and you need to look stunning."
"Okay, I'll wait on my bed...I guess"
"That's fine Curse, I know your style. You're going to love whatever I pick out for you."
     "I know Evie, I would trust you with my life."
"Here we are," Mal announced,"your first Family Day Curse."
"Are you excited?"Jay asked me. And before I could answer, Carlos got to it first.
"Of course she is excited, She's going to meet her future in-laws."
"Really Carlos?"I snap at him.
"Yeah, don't go teasing the small Curse,"Mal scolded him.
"Awe she's blushing!"Evie squealed. I put both my hands on my face. I feel the warmth radiating off my face. Evie is correct. I am very much blushing like crazy. I probably look like a tomato.
"Well...what do we do?"I ask.
"Come with me, I set up a video chat with your parents so that you could talk. Evie, Carlos, and Jay your parents will be together. Mal I arranged a visit for you with your mother. And Curse, you'll be video chatting your mother separately,"Fairy Godmother told us while waking up behind us. Where we couldn't see her coming.
     We followed her. Evie, Carlos, and Jay had a room to themselves. I got a room separately, and I don't know where Mal went.
     Soon enough, the screen turned on, and my mother was shown.
     "Curse? Can you see me?"
     "I can mom!"
     "It's been so long darling. You look absolutely beautiful in your outfit. How've you been?"
     "I'm good, really good. It's been almost a year since my boyfriend and I have been together."
     "You have a boyfriend?!"
     "I'm fine with this, but if he treats you how Haydan did. He's dead."
"I know mom, and he wouldn't, he's a smol bean that wouldn't hurt a fly."
"You're really starting to sound like an Auradon kid. But you're still my beautiful daughter."
"Thanks mom. I love you. I'll miss you while I'm waiting a whole another year to see you."
     "And I as well. Bye sweetheart."
     "Bye mom..."
     The call ends and I leave the room. And head back out to where family day was being held. I focused on my breathing, and making sure I didn't walk into a wall. When I reach the end of the hallway, I freeze. Then turn around looking at the hallway I just walked through. I have no idea what I'm looking at, or why I turned around.
I feel a lot calmer than before. I don't know why staring at the hallway calmed me down. I then felt a pair of strong arms wiggling their way around my waist. Then I feel someone's head on my shoulder, and their hot breath on my neck.
I tense up, but I relax once one of Nial's hands strokes back and forth on my stomach. This is a thing he does when he hugs me from behind. So that I know it's only him, and I don't have a panic attack. Because, if something like that happens to you on the Isle of the Lost, you end up dead, seriously injured, or pregnant from rape.
"You look good,"Nial whispers into my shoulder.
"Good?"I ask,"is that going to be enough for your parents? Should I go change?"
"No don't change," he says,"You look beautiful. I just-"
"I'm kidding,"I laugh,"and Evie picked out this outfit. If I changed she would probably through a fit."
"And she's the one that's older than you?"
"Yep. I'm the youngest,"I proudly state. I look down at my dress. I'm wearing a green dress that stops at my knees. All the scars would be showing, if Evie didn't have me wear combat boots that go up to my knees. Bless Evie. I'm wearing the aqua heart necklace, I've worn since Evie gave it to me for my birthday when we were young, some gold rings and bracelets Mal gave me for my birthday last year, and the silver ring that Nial gave me. He didn't explain why he gave it to me. One day he just knocked on our door, handed me a small red box and left me to open it. Lastly, the leather jacket that was in the bottom of my dresser, which Evie had apparently dug out without my knowledge. I swear, Evie is just the best person.
     "Should we go now?"I ask quietly.
     "Five more minutes,"he complained.
     "You're not asleep are you?"I ask.
     "No. I just love the small moments like these," he whispers.
     "Well I love you too,"I tell him,"but you are only getting five more minutes. Then we have to go."

I'm a terrible person. I'm so sorry that it's been five- six months since I've uploaded this book. To be completely honest with you, I forgot that this book hadn't been updated since January. This book will be ending soon. If I actually update.


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