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(I may add fluff in here!)
Curse Pov
"Do you want to swim with me?"he asked.
"What?"was all i could squeak out.
He chuckled,"I asked if you want to join me in the water."
I thought about. He does already know, and I trust him. So why not!
"Yeah,"I said,"I'll join you." I took off my shoes and my purse. Then set them down next to the food. I sit down on the edge, and hang my feet over. Until Nial grabbed my ankle and pulled me into the water. I didn't get scraped going down, that's great.
     "eek!"I squealed (me too) while I was pulled into the water. My tail formed and I swam to the deeper part of the lake. Nial followed me there laughing. I splashed him.
     "That wasn't funny!"I said.
     "No...but your face was really cute when I pulled you in,"he said. Oh god he just called me cute. I blushed, and looked at him. He didn't even seem to be embarrassed when he said that. How can one human have so much confidence! I blocked my face with my hands.
      "Merp,"I said.
     "How about you speak English,"he said,"and take you hands off your beautiful face." Taking my hands off from my face. I blushed even more, I swear, I think I look like a tomato.  We looked at each other for awhile. I swear I got redder by the second, if that was even possible. Yes, maybe I like him, even though relationships brought back so many bad memories.
     Nial brought his hand to my face and set it on my cheek. His hand felt cold compared to my face. Why must I have feelings?!? He's probably messing with me too.
     "Curse?"he asked.
     "Yes?"I responded.
     "I want to get to know you better, mind talking about yourself?"he asked.
     "Sure. As long as you tell me more about yourself,"I told him.
     "Planning to anyways,"he smiled,"here, let's sit on that rock. I'll help you up."(the rock Ben jumped off of)
     We swim over to the the he pointed at, and he helps me on top of it. We both sat facing the picnic and talked. We talked about our interests. What we plan on doing in our lives. And then just a bunch of randomness. Which was the best part. After about 40 minutes, Nial's head was in my lap, and I was playing with my hair. And since it's been 40 minutes my tail had already faded away.
     I was still playing with his hair when Nial took my hand in his. I blushed, but accepted it. We just sat there on the rock looking out into the distance. I had many thoughts and emotions in my head right now. I'm not sure about Nial though. For all I know he could be thinking about more randomness. But I didn't say anything, I like this. Nial then sat up.
"Want to actually eat lunch now?"Nial asked looking at me.
"Yeah, let's eat,"I responded. I stood up carefully not to fall. Nial grabbed my hand, and I blushed. But Nial jumped into the lake and dragged me with him.
"Eeep,"I squealed being pulled down. We were both in the water again. My tail formed and I swam back to the land, leaving Nial behind. Once i got to land, I used all the strength I had to pull myself onto the platform. I actually did it, well, on the Isle of the Lost I did have to do that a lot. I was already sitting with my tail over my edge when Nial finally got here.
"What took you so long?"I said teasingly.
"Well for one, I can't breath under water, and two I'm not as good as swimming as you are,"he said. Yeah I like this one. So far he has actually never said anything about my tail or that fact that I'm a mermaid.
Nial pulled himself up to sit next to me. Nial got the food and we started eating. We talked about randomness while eating our food. With the occasional throwing food at each other. I feel happier than I did on the Isle of the Lost. Actually, I feel happy for once.
I was eating a strawberry and it was silent. I stared at the lake. This water is so much prettier than the water on the Isle. I finished my strawberry, then saw Nial jump back into the water. He turned to me with a smirk in his face. I sighed as I pushed myself into the water.
I swam up next to Nial and smiled. We just looked at each other for awhile. He put his hand on my cheek. And because of that, I'm pretty sure I look like a tomato for like the third time today? I put my arms around his neck and continued to look at him. It was so quiet that all that could be heard was our breathing.
     Then in a split second, softly, Nial and I put our foreheads together. And we stayed like that for about 10 minutes before we both looked up. I smiled.
     "Do you want to go back now? Or at least out of the water? It's been a long time. And your friends are probably worried about you,"Nial asked.
     "Yeah I guess,"I said. And with that, we swam together back to the platform. Once I get onto it, I lay on my back and look at the sky. Then I felt Nial lay next to me. 
     Once my tail faded away, I stood up and grabbed my shoes and purse. I put my shoes on and turned around to see Nial waiting for me, with his clothes on. Nial grabbed my hand and started to walk back. With me behind him.
     Nial stopped when we got to the bridge for some reason. He let go of my hand and turned towards me.
     "Thanks for coming with me,"Nial said. Then he kissed my forehead. He chuckled when he saw my face after that. I'm a tomato again.
     Nial turned around and started to walk again. And I followed him across the bridge.

A.N.-Hello! It's been awhile! This is probably the longest chapter for this book so far. I'm sorry that I didn't make it more fluffy. But I did what made me squeal writing it. Seriously, I was fangirling over my own OCs. I'm weird. Anyways...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! You have no idea how much it means to me when someone comments, votes or reads this book. I love you all!!!


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