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Curse Pov
"W-what? N-Nial has depression,"I whispered to myself as I looked at the floor.
"Nial was diagnosed with depression not that long ago. Ben told me, mainly because he wanted me to tell you. He didn't think you could handle it from him,"Mal muttered.
"Not again,"I whispered.
"What do you mean by 'not again' Curse,"Mal asked in a concerned manner.
     "That's an interesting story,"I said,"on the Isle of the Lost. With my...ex-boyfriend."
"You dated before?"Mal asked
"Yeah surprising right? Like anyone would want to date me,"I mumbled."I fell for his tricks. It was Haydan."
     "The son of Hans?"Evie asked from her bed. I only nodded. "You know what his dad did."
     "I know. It's just that, I was 13. Still young and naïve. I was out stealing food, when I ran into him. I would see him every time I went out. He tricked me into thinking he loved me, and I fell for it. When we became a thing, he......he became abusive. Verbally and physically. And Mal, that's what those scars were from. He cut my legs. Several times"
"That bastard!"Evie exclaimed.
"Watch your language. There's young readers here."I told Evie.
"What?!"both Evie and Mal asked.
"Oh nothing important. Anyways, Haydan said he was only abusive because I'm a freak. But that's when I....got depression. That's also when my mom told me to break up with him, that he's a bad influence. I agreed with my mom and that's how we ended. And I've gotten a little better since then, well maybe until Nial's depression, and the bullying. I thought things would be better here. I guess it's not."
     "Wait...why did he call you a freak?"Mal asked in a concerned manner.  She looked straight into my eyes, like she was trying to stare into my soul or something.
     "He found out why I was neglected from the rest of the Isle,"I whispered. Breaking the gaze from Mal. Hopefully she won't ask why I was shut out.
"Curse...why were you shut out anyway?"Evie asked. At least it wasn't Mal, like I hoped for. Ha. I heard the conflict in her voice though. Fighting about whether to ask me about this subject or not.
"Well you know how I was born with legs right, and I looked exactly like my mother. My mother and I couldn't do anything together. I always told her that I want to breath under water like her. And on my fourth birthday after I saw you guys my mother told me that she had a potion that would allow me to breath under water. Mother accidentally added the very last bit of Ariel's voice into the potion, and since we were on the Isle, the potion would have screwed up anyway. So um...."
     "What are you saying Curse?"pleaded Mal.
     "I'm saying that I'm a mermaid. Whenever I touch water I turn into a mermaid. That's also why I look similar to Ariel. That's why I had to hide, so I wouldn't be bullied there. But now I'm bullied here."I bellowed,"and Nial already knows, if you were gonna ask." I sighed as I stood up grabbing my bag. I was walking out the door when Mal spoke up.
     "Where are you going?"
     "I'm going out. I need some time to myself,"I mumbled as I walked out and closed the door. I walked to the Enchanted Lake alone. I do need time alone, but I really don't want anymore questions from them.
Before I knew it, I was at the Enchanted Lake. I sat down at the edge and swung my legs over the side. I sighed to myself and looked at the water. Then I started singing, I started singing the song that Mal was singing at midnight.

When I finished singing, I laid down on my back and closed my eyes. That moment I heard footsteps. I didn't know what to do, so I just stayed where I was.
"Your voice is beautiful. Almost as much as you,"they said. I know that voice, and that charm. It's Nial, he found me. I sat up and turned myself toward him.
"Hey,"I whispered.
"What are you doing here?"he asked while sitting down next to me.
"I needed some time alone,"I said. I rested my head his shoulder and closed my eyes. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled my form closer to his.
"No you don't, time alone just makes you feel worse. It makes you feel like no one cares,"Nial whispered to me. He rested his head on mine and pulled me closer to him.
"Okay, but I'm not alone anymore. You're here now." There was a few minutes of silence. They weren't awkward though. I know that the both of us were just thinking. "Nial...I know about your depression."
"Yeah, and I know about your scars,"he whispered back. "Why didn't you tell me about your abuse?"
"I don't know, I guess I thought you would pity me if I told you,"I whispered.
"I wouldn't pity you Curse,"he told me,"and I understand, I didn't tell you about my depression."
"By any chance do you know why you are depressed?"
"I don't,"
"That's ok. Depression doesn't only hurt people with problems. Depression can hurt anyone, even if they have a perfect life. I only know that my depression hit me because of Haydan."
"Mal told me what you told her earlier. I think we should talk about this."
"Aren't we already?"
"In more depth,"he said.
After ten minutes of talking
"That's why my name is Curse, my mother thought I was a curse to her at first because I was born with legs and couldn't breath under water. Even though it turned out, I was the best thing that happened to her," I said. After a few moments of silence, Nial spoke up.
"You really need to meet Tiara,"Nial bellowed.
"Your sister? I really do. Is now a good time?"I joked
"Yep, let's go," he said while standing up and pulling me up with him.
"I was joking,"I said while laughing.
"I know you were. But let's go anyway,"Nial said while pulling me by my waist out of the Enchanted Lake.

A.N.-HEY!!! Sorry I took a long time. But I hope you had a Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays!!!! I love you and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

 But I hope you had a Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays!!!! I love you and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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