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Curse Pov
I saw Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, and King Ben, and they looked worried. Oh yeah, i was pushed into the water, and didn't come back. Then I randomly was found on the beach with Nial.
I stood up, thank goodness my legs were back, and walked over to the five of them. Once I got to them, Evie and Mal tackled me in a hug. I hugged them backed because I knew they were worried.
"Are you ok?"
"Are you hurt?"
"Can you breath?"
"How'd you get back?" Evie and Mal tackled me with questions once we let go of each other.
"I'm fine, and all that matters is that I'm safe here again, right?"I told them. They nodded at me, indicating a yes.
"Well seems as though you are safe with your friends again Curse. I'll go back to my dorm now,"Nial told me.
"Ok. Bye Nial,"I said to him. As he gave me a two finger salute and walked off.
"I'm glad your safe Curse,"Jay said while slapping me on the back. I moved forward with an "oof."
"I'm sorry Curse, are you ok?"Jay asked.
I faked a smile and said,"yeah I'm fine." When really it reminded me of all those times, and he hit the spot. That hurt. No you're here now girl, get your mind straight.
"Good, because we can't have you hurt, you just got here, and haven't got to see all the amazing stuff yet!"Carlos said excitedly.
"Ok,"I said moderately. We all walked off back to our dorms. Carlos and Jay walked to their dorms, as Mal, Evie and, I walked to our room. And King Ben went back to his castle I suppose. Once we got to our dorm, I walked over to my bed and collapsed on top of it face down. I groaned into bed.
     "Curse...h-how did you get back,"Mal asked, shakily.
     "I don't feel like talking about it,"I said into the bed, because I was still face down. Mal didn't respond, so I suspected that she wanted to leave me alone. I laid face down on my bed for a while, until I fell asleep...again.
Mal Pov
I'm worried about Curse, none of the children from the Isle of the Lost can swim properly. How did she get back? Did Nial have something to did with it? I'm really worried about her, Curse and Evie are like sisters to me. And if the same thing happened to Evie, I would feel the same way. Curse didn't do anything to deserve this.
These thoughts went through my head as I stared blankly at my sketchbook. I turned to look at Curse, she is still face down on her bed. She probably fell asleep. I looked over at Evie and saw that she was doing the same thing. She was just siting in front of her fabrics, blankly. I sighed, and looked back at my sketchbook.
1 hour later brought to you by laziness
Curse Pov
I turned onto my back and opened my eyes. I sighed, as I looked at the ceiling. I'm going to say that I slept for about an hour. I did not sleep well. I had a nightmare where I was back on the Isle of the Lost, and it all happened again. Everything that happened when I was younger happened...again. That spot on my back, the one on my stomach, and my legs. All my scars.
I sat up and turned towards Mal's part of our dorm. I saw that she was sketching away in her sketchbook. Then I turned to Evie's side of the room, and saw that she was on her phone.  I turned to my pillows, and picked up the one  that my bag was underneath. I grabbed it and opened it. I looked at every object at a time, each one of them holds a different memory. That shall be told at a different time.
     I sighed again, not all those memories where happy ones. I have hardly any happy memories from the Isle of the Lost. I heard a knock on the door and turned towards it. Evie was already up to get it. She opened the door, but was blocking it to where I couldn't see. I looked down at my bag and traced my finger along the purple pattern.
     "Curse,"Evie said, as I looked up at her,"you have someone here for you."  I tilted my head to the side. But then got up and walked to the door. Evie went back to her bed smiling. Weird. I looked at the doorway and saw Nial. He looked like he wanted to talk to me.
     "Hey Curse! I wanted to know if you would go to the Enchanted Lake with me for lunch,"Nial said. And I was correct, one point for me.
     "Sure I'll go,"I told him,"but fist let me get something." I went over to my bed and grabbed my messenger bag. I then walked back to the door.
     "You ready?"Nial asked.
     "Yeah let's go, but I've never been to the Enchanted Lake though,"I said while following him out of my dorm room.
     "That's ok, just follow me and you'll be ok,"He reassured me. I nodded as I followed him through the woods to this lake. It's beautiful, obviously since I've never seen anything like this before. I smiled at the lake.
Nial Pov
(Just for this short thing)
     She's so cute when she smiles. I know that on the Isle there is nothing that looks nice. Which is why I wanted to bring her here. Or I just wanted to see her smile. Yeah...I kinda like her. Ok not kinda, I...I don't know how to put it into words. I know we kinda just met, but I think she is beautiful. And I like seeing her smile. She looks at the picnic I set up and tilted her head. Another cute thing she does.
     "What's this?"she asked.
     "It's a picnic, and where we are going to eat lunch,"I told her.
     "Ok that makes sense,"she said. She sat down on the blanket. And looked at the food.
Curse Pov
(And we back)
     As I sat down I looked at the food and picked up a strawberry. I've never had one before, but my mom has told me about them. I ate it. It was delicious, nothing like I've ever tasted before. Maybe because most of the food that's on the Isle of the Lost, is not that good. 
     "Curse,"Nial said. I looked at him and he was in his swimming trunks. I tired not to blush...but failed. Yes, I may like him. He chuckled, and got into the lake. I bit my lip.
     "Do you want to swim with me?"he asked.

To be continued...

A.N.-I'm sorry that I took so long with this chapie. I had writers block. Awe...my first writers block on Wattpad!😊 I'm seriously sorry this time. But thank you soooooooo much for reading. And I'll see ya next time. ✌️️😏



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