Part 1

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*Ryan’s PoV*

I walked into my kitchen, and sat down at the table, ready to eat what Uncle Liam had made. “Morning Ryan.” he said, turning away from the stove and smiling. I smiled back, and started to put some of the chocolate chip pancakes on my plate. I heard the scuffing of slippers, and I turned to see Heather walking in. “Hey Heather.” I said, patting the seat beside me. She smiled, and sat down beside me. Close up, I could tell she was crying. Again. Not that there’s anything wrong with that; I do it too, when no ones around, but she seemed to cry a lot now.

“Everything ok?” I whispered, so her dad wouldn’t hear. I looked at me, and nodded, “Yeah…” “Well, you know you can talk to me, if you need to.” I said, and she smiled, “Thanks Ryan.” She rested her head on my shoulder, and I started to eat.

Heather and I had a strange relationship; although we aren‘t blood related, we were like siblings. Sometimes, it was more than that, but it’s hard to explain. I have a connection with her that I don’t have with anyone else of the ‘Next Generation’.

Just then, I heard running. Brianna ran up to the table, and started shoveling food onto her plate. “Whoa. Slow down Bri.” Uncle Liam said, “If I wasn’t your father, I’d think you were a Horan.” I snickered at the comment, and Brianna stopped, “Hmmm… ‘Brianna Elisabeth Horan’…. Nah.” She started eating, and I turned to Heather, who was falling asleep on my shoulder. “Heather?” I whispered, and she hummed. “You’re falling asleep, and I need to leave soon.” She sat up, and yawned, “Where are you going?” “Over to Zack’s.” I replied, finishing my food. I put the dishes in the sink, thanked my Uncle for breakfast, and headed for the door. “Tell Zack I say Hi.” Heather said, following me to the door. “Will do.” I replied, kissing her cheek, and walking down the road. I noticed salt on my lips; she had been crying. But why?


Picture of Heather is on the right :)

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