Part 6

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*Darcy’s PoV*

I was sitting, well, more like laying, on my couch watching Grease. I was starting to drift off, while I played with my paper airplane necklace. Sydney and I got matching necklaces for our last birthday.

My eyelids started to get heavy, and I cuddled deeper into my union jack blanket. Then, my phone started to ring. I answered it, “Hello?” “Hi Beautiful…” my boyfriend, Jacob Swift’s voice said through the phone, “I need to tell you something.” “Ok, Shoot.” I replied nervously. His sentence was slow, “Darce… I think we need to break up…” “What?” I asked, tearing up, “Why? Did I do something wrong?” “No, it’s not you.” I said, reassuringly, “It’s just… My mom was dating your dad, and it didn’t end well.” “So, it has nothing to do with who I am, or what I’ve done. It’s about a failed relationship with our parents?” I asked, trying to prevent my tears from ruining my voice. He sighed, “I’m sorry Beautiful, but Mom wants me to cut off all ties with your family.” “Including me…” I said, losing my ability to hold it in. “This is just how it has to be…” he replied, “Good bye, Darcy Styles…” “I love you…” I said, as the phone went dead.

Sydney went to some concert with her fangirl friends, Ethan went to work on his band, and our parents took Chris to the park, so I could sob as loudly as I wanted to. And I did. After I realized crying wouldn’t relive my pain, I ran upstairs to do the only thing I thought could. I grabbed my blade out of my room, took off my shirt, and sat on my floor, examining my wounds. I had 12 in total, but half were open. My eyes were filled with tears, and I got ready to cut whatever was there.

Just as I was about to make contact, I felt someone grab my arms. “What are you doing?” Ethan asked, probably louder than he meant. “What does it look like?” I asked, more Broken-hearted than I meant. I felt Ethan sit down, putting his legs on either side of me, “Why are you cutting yourself, Darce?”

I started to explain through tears why I had started to cut; that 6 days before the bullying started. They called me, High Maintenance, Fake, and other things I would’ve rather forgotten. I told him that I started cutting, and continued to cut 2 scars everyday, for every flaw I saw. That that day the best person I ever met dumped me because of the family I was born into.

“ I know it was hard for him too, but couldn’t he have told me in person; let me give him one last kiss before forever?” I asked Ethan, who sighed; he may not have been born with any sisters, but living with Sydney and I sure made up for it. “Let’s get you cleaned up.“ he said, taking the blade from me, putting it on the dresser, and helping me up. My legs shook, but he held me up, guiding me to the bathroom. He washed my wounds from earlier, and then rubbed ointment on my arms.

“Thank you.” I said, giving him a hug after he wrapped my arms, “I thought you were at rehearsal.” “Ryan and Heather had to do something.” Ethan explained, “Those two might as well be dating.” I giggled, and then looked down at my pink bra, “I’m gonna go change.” He blushed, and I winked at him before disappearing in my room. A positive for being single was that I could be a flirt again.

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