Part 8

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*Ryan’s PoV*

“What?!” Heather cried, looking for her mom to Liam. Her entire life had been a lie. She tore out of the room, and ran into her bedroom. I looked down, awkwardly studying the carpet. “Ryan?” Uncle Liam asked, and I looked back up, “Yes?” He sighed, “Please. Can you not tell anyone about what you’ve heard here?” I looked at him, puzzled, “You mean we weren’t the only ones that didn’t know?” “No.” Annabel said, “Us 4 are the ONLY ones that know.”

Really? Heather’s parents, well, her mom and Liam, kept this a secret from everyone for 17, or 18 years?

I nodded, “I won’t tell anyone, but, if you don’t mind me asking, why haven’t you?” Annabel looked away, and Liam sighed, “No one fully knows what happened that night; they all believe that she spent the night at her ex’s house, but that’s it. We wanted to keep the innocence of the situation.”

I nodded in understanding, “Is Brianna your daughter?” He nodded, “Brianna and Heather are half-sisters.” I licked my lips, trying to wrap my head around what I had just heard, and Liam’s eyes landed on the folder, “Did you know about Harley?” I shook my head, “I wouldn’t let him anywhere near her, if I did.” He sighed, and I stood up, “I’ll go check on her…” I started to walk but Liam stopped me, “Let her know I love her.” I nodded, and started down the hall.

I walked to her door, and heard muffled sobbing coming from inside. I knocked lightly, and I heard Heather cry, “Go away…” “Heather, it’s me…” I said, “Please let me in…” I hear the crying stop, and a few seconds later, she opened the door. I walked in, and she closed it behind me. She walked back to her bed, and collapsed in the pillows, continuing to cry.

I hated seeing her like this.

I walked over to the bed, and started rubbing her back, “I’m so sorry Heather…” “My life has been a lie…” she sobbed in her pillows, “I’m a nasty mistake, that reminds Mom of what happened to her.” She looked up, showing me her glassy tear-stained eyes, “I should have known something was wrong; I have blue eyes, and neither of my parents do.”

She went to crash back into the pillows, but I pulled her into my lap first. “You are not a mistake.” I said, rocking her back and forth, “You’re beautiful, and wonderful. And there’s nothing wrong with you; you’re just different and you know what? That’s the best thing about you.” She looked up, and gave a faint smile, “Thanks, Ryan…” “Anytime, Love…” I replied, continuing to hold her close.

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