Part 17

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*Ryan‘s PoV*

The next day everyone tried to act like today was normal; we all, except Brianna, who knew nothing of the drama, failed miserably. Heather sat beside me, eating something, before having to go to school. “You’re gonna be ok.” I told her, “You’re parent pressed charges already, and Harley’s in prison. You‘re gonna be perfectly safe.” She sighed, “Promise?” “I promise, Princess…” I said, kissing her forehead, before she gave me a smile, and she and Brianna dashed to catch the bus.

I leaned back in my chair, and Liam looked at me. He was watching me very carefully ever since it became public knowledge that we were dating. I understood entirely, and was fine with it.

“You really love her, don’t you?” he asked, and I nodded, “More than life itself… actually I have a question for you…”

*Heather’s PoV*

I got on the bus, and looked around for someone to sit with. The only seat was next to Zack.


I cautiously sat down next to him, and he sighed, “I’m sorry, Heather.” “Are you really sorry, or are you just saying that because you were told to?” I asked. “I really am.” he replied, “I was shocked about the secrets that were being kept, and I lashed out at you… I know you’re apart of this family, and it wouldn’t be the same without you. So, let‘s forget the words that were said, and continue being a family…”

I looked at him, “I can’t forget… But I will forgive.” He smiled, “Close enough. Anyway, we’re having an extra band practice tonight; tell Ryan for me please.” I nodded, “Will do.”


School was boring; I would have rather stayed home, cuddling with Ryan. It was hard to believe that, even though we had been so close, we never realized that we really loved each other.

I walked out of the school, and saw Ryan leaning against his car, waiting for me. I ran up to him, and hugged him. “Oh, I missed you.” he said, in my neck, and I giggled, “You were never like this when we were just friends. He pulled away, and smiled, “I know, but we were inseparable for the last few days, and then we were…separated. How many days till Christmas break?” I giggled, “You sound so pathetic…” He pouted, “Maybe I am…” I smiled, "It's ok; I still love you" He smiled, and pulled me in for a kiss.

I never realized how much I longed for this; Ryan pulling me close, and, instead of hugging me, pressing his light pink lips on mine. I pulled away, and whispered, "I love you, Ryan James Horan..." "And I love you, Heather Grace Horan..." he whispered back. "Horan?" I asked, and Ryan shook his head, "Payne! Payne! I said, Payne..." I looked at him confused, and he frowned again, "I ruined the moment, didn't I?" I giggled, "You made it interesting, yeah..." I kissed his pout, and then smiled, "I love you anyway. And it's 2 weeks until Winter Break.” “Oh…” he said, “You know what’s sooner than that?” “The weekend?” I asked, and he shook his head, “Your 18th birthday.” I laughed, “Oh, you’re right; it’s been so crazy lately, that I forgot that my own birthday is on Saturday.” He laughed, “It’s ok; I still love you.”

He leaned into kiss me, but I pulled away, “Oh, Zack told me we have a band rehearsal after school.” “Oh, so he let you back in the band?” Ryan asked, losing his smile. "Ryan..." I said, "He asked me to forgive him, and I did." "How?" he asked, "He called you.... untrue things... How could you forgive that?" "Because my mom received forgiveness from the rest of the family, especially Dad and your Mom. I should forgive stress-induced insults..." He sighed, "I guess so..." I smiled, and kissed his cheek, "Come on; let's go to rehearsal."

*Ryan's PoV*

We got to the Malik house, and walked down to the Basement. Zack was sitting at his drums hitting some random beat, and Ethan was laying on the couch. Zack met eye contact, and wanted to make some comment about us being late, but chose not to.

“So what song are we doing today?” Heather asked, turning to Zack. I wasn’t a fan of how easily Heather forgave Zack, but she did remind me of Mom in that way.

“We need to reassign the solos.” Ethan pointed out, “Heather took Ryan’s.” Heather looked at me, and I smiled, “Yeah, I was singing your Dad’s Solos, but now that you’re here, you get to sing them.” She smiled at me, “Thanks.” “But, who will get Uncle Harry’s?” I asked, “I mean, why does Ethan get more solos than the rest of us?” “Because I’m awesome.” he said, sitting up, so Heather could sit. I cuffed him, causing Heather to giggle, and Zack asked, “Do you think we need another member?”

Heather stayed silent, while Ethan and I nodded. “Heather, can you call Sydney for me?” Zack asked, and she nodded, talking her phone to the other room. Sydney arrived 10 minutes later, and we finally started rehearsal.

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