Part 16

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*Sydney’s PoV*

I watched my boyfriend terrorize Heather, and then fight with Ryan. After Ryan went to check on his girlfriend, Zack came back to me. He lean in for a hug, but I squirmed away. “Babe, what’s wrong?” “What the heck is wrong with you?” I asked, “We’re all under trauma, and you go over there and start harassing Heather and Ryan.” “Sydney, I…” he started, and I cut him off, “I knew it was a bad idea falling for a bad boy. I… I’ve got to go home.”  I ran out the door, and ran down the sidewalk.

*Ryan’s PoV*

Liam carried Heather laid her in the couch, as she still had silent tears run down her face. I crawled onto the bed, and brushed her cheek, looking up at Liam, whose expression was sad eyes, and a frown. “My poor Baby Girl…” he said, almost inaudible.

Out of nowhere, Heather mumbled, “Who decided to keep me?” “What?” Liam asked, and she looked up, “Who chose to keep me, and not put me up for adoption?” He sighed, “It was me. Your mom, she didn’t think she could raise you right. I proposed to her, telling her that I wanted her, and I wanted the baby… I wanted you.” She started to cry happier tears, and wrapped her arms around her father, “I love you, Daddy.” “I love you too, Baby Girl…” he whispered to her.

I smiled. Maybe someday I could have a daughter, too.

With Heather…

I shook that out of my head; I loved Heather, but we were too young to think about forever. Right?

*Darcy’s PoV*

I just finished my hour long talk with Mom and Aunt Diana. It was good to hear about it like it could be conquered.

I walked in the living room, and Zack was on the couch with a bloody nose. I walked up to him, “What happened to you?” He sighed, “I was being a Jack… you know, and started tormenting people. Ryan beat me, and Sydney left me. I really can’t blame her though.” “Where did she go?” I asked, and he replied, “Home, she said.”

I walked away, and noticed Ethan still sitting in his corner, emotionless. “Ethan?” I asked, knelling down to him. “I caused 2 more scars, didn’t I?” he asked, “I noticed two new scars; that’s because of what I said, right?” I sighed, “They were because I never meant to hurt you. I wasn’t thinking about what I was doing, leading you on and such. But I hurt you gravely, and I needed to be punished for it…” He made eye contact, “You never need to punish yourself like that. I’m sorry for spitting that crap at you. I didn’t mean it; I was just hurt.” I nodded, “Let’s make a truce; Just friends?” He looked at my outstretched hand, then back at me, “Sure…”

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