The Cab Drive

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Chrys finally hailed a cab and got in. the cabbie noticed that something was wrong, but only asked where she wanted to go. She told him the address and he took off, having a feeling she wanted to get away, quick. She felt her eye and it was already starting to puff up. Great, she thought. By the end of the night I’ll already have a bruise. She sighed and put her face in her hands and took deep breaths.

“Err…’scuse me Miss, but are you okay. I mean I picked you up on a deserted street when a storm’s ‘bout to start. I know it’s none of my business, but a beautiful, young woman like yourself shouldn’t be alone at night,” he said uncertainly and glanced back at Chrys. Chrys looked at him and took in all of his features. He had brown hair that was starting to bald with thick beard and mustache. His nose was long and came to a sharp point. His smile was a bit creepy. But the two things that stood out to her the most were his eyes and tattoo. His eyes were different colors; one was coal black while the other was almost a yellow-gold color. His tattoo was going all the way from his scalp to his neck they were all the same; nine skull and bones connected by barbed wire. He looked familiar to her, but she didn't pay any attention to it.

She gave a big sigh and told him, “I honestly don’t know if it’ll be alright, but hopefully it will be. I’m dealing right now. Thanks for your concern; it shows that some strangers can be more caring than your own fiancée.”

“No problem, Miss. We’re a few minutes away. Would you mind if I got your name Miss. It’s lookin’ like you’ll need a stranger who don’t know your whole life story to talk to. If I’m not being too forward that is,” he questioned.

“Not at all, my name’s Chrysanthemum Hayes, soon to be Anderson, but everyone calls me Chrys. May I get yours so I don’t have to call you stranger or sir? Chrys asked back.

“Timothy Jenson at your service,” he laughed. “Congratulations by the way. We’re here. Look me up in the phone book if you ever just need to get something off your chest and talk,” he told her seriously.

“I will,” Chrys told him and handed him the money for the ride. “Keep the change,” she smiled and walked to the entrance to pay for her ticket. After she paid he ticket, she went into the main room where everyone was talking to each other before the show started. She went into the bathroom and checked her make –up to see how her bruise was. She groaned when she realized that her eye was already turning purple. Great just what I need. She searched through her purse for some cover-up. Once she found it and covered it up as best she could, she looked back in the mirror; her eyes were red and puffy. Oh well, there’s nothing I can do about that right now, she grumbled.

She went back to the main room to get a drink and looked at all of the people that were there to see if she recognized anyone. Chrys gave up after she looked for a fifth time when people started giving her weird looks.  Then a tall, unnaturally blonde lady came in and announced, “The show will be starting shortly. You may all take your seats.” And she moved aside and opened the doors wide enough for more than one person to go through. When Chrys walked past the lady, she was given a dirty look. So Chrys, being herself in a bad mood returned the same look. The blonde gave her a surprised look that she actually responded.

“Yeah, I saw that, I’m not in the mood so don’t mess with me. You know what they say about red-heads? Well, all those are true for me, so back off,” Chrys snapped at her.

“Hey ladies come on. Let’s get you to your seat and Cheri; she’s a person of the audience, which means she pays to be here. I’m pretty sure that she doesn’t want to get yelled at on her night out plus she pays for pert of you salary. I’d respect her a bit, wouldn’t you?” he spoke to her as if she were a little kid. “No go along Cheri, help people find their seats, you know how confusing these theater seats can be.” Cheri walked away looking a little ticked that he was defending Chyrs. “Uh…sorry ‘bout her; she’s not too friendly. I hope you like this production; I came up with the idea of it and wrote most of the songs.” He gave her a dazzling smile. His eyes were a dark blue and he had jet black hair. She couldn’t help but stare into his eyes. He told Chrys, “Well, I have to go get ready. See you in the audience.” And he left.

Chrys went in and found her seat with no problem. Third row, smack dab in the middle…the best seat in the house she learned a while ago. She looked at her program and saw that it was a Nancy Drew musical. A guy came up with this? This should be interesting. She smirked and checked her phone one last time before intermission to see if she had any messages from Lee. She didn’t have one from him, just one from Dais telling her to have fun without her. She smiled and turned off her phone. Then the show started.

 **pic of Jace and Vi on the side :) vote comment fan ;)

i know that they were eachothers romantic interest in a movie but i thought they looked a lot alike so....anywhos just imagine their eyes green :D

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