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“Jay! The play was really good. I loved it, but where in the world did you come up with the idea?” Chrys asked after the play giving him a hug.

“Honestly? I have no clue. Just started writing it one day and that’s what came out of it.”

“Well, she was right. It was brilliant. We’re going to go ahead and go home though, it’s getting late and she starts school next week, so we have to try to get back on a schedule. I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” Daisy said, directing the question at Jace.

“Yeah, I don’t think we’ll need a truck though. Since everything big is yours, right?”

“Yep that’s right. Are you coming with us Chrys or with Jace?”

“I’ll go with you two so I can get some packing done tonight, so that’s not all we do tomorrow,” Chrys told Daisy. “Jace, where’s Vi? She was just here.”

“I think she went to talk to Toby. She’s trying to help him get through the divorce and everything else that’s happened to him. I’ll tell you tomorrow. It’s kind of a long story. You better get going. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He gave Chrys a kiss on the cheek and went to his dressing room to get all of his stuff.

He walked in and saw Toby crying into Vi’s shoulder. “Toby? Come on, man, it’s all going to be fine. How about you stay at our house for a while? We have that spare room,” he said and griped his shoulder. “You deserve better than her, trust me. Get up, we’re gonna go back to my house where you are going to forget about her.”

They finally got to the car when Toby started talking, “It’s not only her though. Remember the kid we took in for the holidays, Travis?” Jace nodded his head and looked in the backseat at Vi who was already drifting off to sleep. “We got into a fight one night because I could tell she was cheating on me. I mean who works at the mall until eleven. Well he ran off because honestly who wants to listen to a married couple fight all the time. Me and Travis actually got along whereas him and Sierra didn’t. Before the fight though I wanted to adopt him, I signed papers and everything. I gave them to Sierra thinking she’d sign them; she didn’t. She turned them into the agency and got the divorce papers the same day. So now he’s missing and I’m his legal guardian where Sierra is off doing whoever.”

“TOBY!” Jace punched his arm.

“C’mon, you know it’s true.”

“Yeah, but still.” Jace said scratching his head. “So are the police looking for him?”

“Yep, they don’t think he’s gone far, so they should find him soon. I need to find an apartment, fast. Know any?” Toby joked.

“Sorry, I know none, but Chrys might. You can ask her tomorrow when we move her stuff out. Vi, wake up we’re home.” Jace said, reaching backing to shake her.

“Damn, how could I forget she’s moving in with you when you just asked her? Are you sure you don’t mind me staying here, I mean I’m sure my dad wouldn’t mind.” They both got out of the car and waited for Vi to get out. Toby laughed and opened her door. He picked her up and motioned for Jace to walk.

“Trust me, Chrys won’t mind. I actually think she was upset she didn’t know about you. Plus it’ll give you time to know her and meet Daisy and Tabby. They’ll be around a lot because of Chrys, plus I think you’ll like Daisy.” He unlocked the door and let Toby go in ahead of him. Toby went upstairs and put Vi in her bed. He came back down and saw Jace was eating a piece of cake. “I’m going to bed. See ya in the morning.”

“Night,” Toby replied going into the kitchen and grabbing himself a piece of cake too.


“Come in Jace!” Daisy yelled at the door while putting her hair up and getting Chrys out of her room. “C’mon Chrys time to start putting boxes in the car.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2012 ⏰

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