Going Home

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Chrys woke up with blankets in top of her and Jace. She looked around and saw the doctor checking the machines. He looked over and saw her awake. “Good morning. You woke up just in time. She should be up in a couple of minutes.” He smiled at her.  Chrys nodded her head and he turned to leave.

“Shouldn’t you stay here?” Chrys asked.

“I don’t like to. It’s better for her if she sees family first rather than a stranger that’s a man nonetheless,” He chuckled and closed the door behind him.

“Jace wake up,” Chrys shook him. He just grunted. “I know it’s earlier than what you’re used to, but it’s for something god,” she whispered into his ear.

“What could be good today?” he grumbled.

“Oh I could think of loads of reasons, but the number one on your list would be that Vi’s about to wake up,” she laughed. He shot up almost knocking Chrys to the ground before his arms griped around her waist tighter. “I was expecting that reaction.” Jace grabbed both sides of her face and brought her face to his. “Not this though,” she gave him a weak smile. He brought her face closer to his and kissed her.

“Get a room,” Vi said groggily. They broke apart and giggled. Chrys got up and sat on the couch, so Jace could get up and sit next to Vi. “Jace, take me home. You know I hate hospitals.”

“I will as soon as the doctor says I can. I promise,” he grabbed her hand gave her a side squeeze.

“Anyways, what happened to you two while I was in here?” she raised her eyebrow. Chrys looked away which left Jace to explain.

“You get right to the point even in your condition,” Jace sighed. Vi just glared at him. “Fine, I went to see her after the hospital called and she came with me voluntarily. When I heard what happened I ran outside and she came after me and we talked,” he shrugged his shoulders.

“Not enough details. Chrys you better tell me the details I want to hear.”

“She’s scary when she doesn’t get what she wants,” Chrys looked at Jace. She sighed, “When he ran out, I followed and started playing twenty questions to get his mind clear and focused again. I asked him why he kissed me the one day. And he told me everything from when he met me to when he came to see me yesterday. It was his turn next and he asked if I liked him. I asked him a question instead of answering,” she looked at Jace who had a huge smile on his face. “I asked if he would kiss me right then and there. He said he would and asked why. So I told him to kiss me and he did,” she shrugged her shoulders looking away.

“Finally, you two are dating. I mean, yeah, it’s only been a week, but still. That attraction was too high to not notice,” She smiled.

“Why do I have a feeling you told Dais when you went to see her?” Jace asked.

“Because you know she sees right through me, so I had to tell her,” Chrys stuck her tongue out at him. Vi laughed at her and started making faces.

“My girls,” Jace sighed and laughed. The doctor walked in and Vi gave a slight cringe but when she saw the little girl behind him, she relaxed. Jace got up and sat next to Chrys, grabbing her hand automatically.

“I’m your doctor Miss Brown. Terrance Michaels. I’m going to ask you a few questions and then we’ll evaluate if you can go home. Agreed?” he asked. Vi nodded her head.

“Okay, first off what’s the last thing you remember?”

Vi furrowed her eyebrows together, “I remember being thrown out of a cab and then it’s kinda fuzzy, but then I remember the ambulance coming and I think I blacked out then.”

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