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“Chrys!” Jace yelled. The people walking past him turned to stare at him. He didn’t care though. He just wanted to get to her before he lost her. Jace started running, crashing into people as he did so. Chrys pretended to not hear and kept on walking, picking up her pace. She wanted to turn around so bad, but wouldn’t let herself. Jace finally caught up to her and grabbed her hand to turn her around.

“Let go of me Jace!” Chrys yelled. He didn’t let go, instead he gripped her hand tighter and started to pull her toward the car. “I’m not going anywhere with you until you tell me everything! I don’t care if I have to be outside in the pouring rain for five hours in the pouring rain to wait for you to tell me!”

“Can we at least go somewhere less crowded?” he pleaded.

“No. Tell me now or never,” Chrys said sternly.

“Fine! You really want to know the exact details of how mine and Sara’s relationship ended, how every guy is intimidated by Vi?!” Jace questioned.

“Vi’s my best friend, practically sister, so of course I want to know. And newsflash I’m not Sara!” she retorted hotly.

Jace let out a huff of air, calming himself, before saying, “My parents are the biggest producers of all time. Guys are intimidated by Vi because of all the publicity he’d get if they started to date, not to mention my dad. Freshmen year me and Sara started dating. Toward the end of sophomore year she decided she wanted to become and singer, so I told her my parents could help. She expected that. She gave them a demo, but they told her that they couldn’t do it for their son’s girlfriend or anyone they knew personally beforehand, that it’d be wrong. She got mad so she went to other producers and told her to come back after she graduated wanting her to get an education in case it didn’t work out. That was beginning of junior year and the next year and a half we got into more fights and more distance came between us. I didn’t believe my friends when they said she was pulling away, so to prove them wrong I asked her to marry me after grad night. I’m guessing she thought my parents would be her producer then but they said no. She broke it off saying I was in the way of her career. My parents told me she asked again saying since we broke up it’d be fine, but they told her no again. She tried to get back together with me but I knew what she was doing. She just wanted to be my girlfriend so she could be famous. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you. I’m scared that’ll be us and I love you too much for that to happen to us. I was going to tell you later down the road when we’re stuck like glue, heck married even. Please don’t let that happen to us.”

Chrys couldn’t distinguish the tears from the rain on his face. She brought her hand to his cheek and wiped them away. “I’ll never let that happen to us because I love you too much too. I don’t care about the money or fame I only care about the love between us. In case you haven’t noticed I’m a bit of a helpless romantic. But that’s how your parents can afford two houses and plane tickets all the time isn’t it?”

Jace smirked, “Too smart for your own good.” He laughed at her expression and bent down to kiss her. “I love you so much, I doubt it’s healthy.”

“Same here,” she whispered against his lips. He closed the distance between their lips and knew she was all that mattered to him anymore. He felt smile beneath their kiss. He pulled away and raised an eyebrow. “I’ve always wanted to kiss someone in the rain,” she explained sheepishly.

He chuckled at her and told her, “Then let’s make it good because I see some paparazzi that came out while you were yelling. Don’t be surprised if you’re in the news tomorrow.” Chrys gave him a mischievous grin and started running her hand through his hair. Before he could comprehend what she was doing, she pulled his lips towards hers. He pulled away and smiled at her.

“Come on, I promised you a parfait. And after we can go home and get in some dry clothes.” Jace wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. They made it to the parfait parlor and the lady from before looked up and gave him a big smile. He smiled back and mouthed, “Thank-you.” She nodded her head and turned back to her husband who was smiling fondly at her.

The worker from before came up to them and asked, “Same as before?” Chrys blushed and turned her head into Jace’s shoulder, not used to the attention. Jace gave a small chuckle and nodded his head, leading them to the table they were at before.

“You’re going to have to get used to all the attention eventually. I know you just got it through your head, but pretty soon it’s gonna be all about you the next world famous ballerina,” he chuckled.

“Shut-up. It’ll be at least another year before my career ever kicks off,” she stuck her tongue out at him.

“That’s what you think,” he sang. She raised her eyebrow at him and Jace just smirked back at her. He came back quickly and Chrys dug right in. “Hungry I take it?” Jace laughed.

“Of course. I haven’t had a real meal all day.” They finished eating and started talking about nothing.

“Where have you never gone that you have always wanted to go?” Jace asked with a mischievous grin.

“A small beach in California and a small town fair,” she answered without hesitation.

“Really? Not Hawaii. Italy, Germany?” he asked surprised.

“Nope. Yeah I know they’re beautiful and everything but I think they’re overrated but the beach and a fair aren’t,” she stated matter of factly. “Plus I’ve always wanted to dig my toes in the sand and experience a small town event.”

“Interesting,” he smiled. His phone started ringing. He ignored it at first but Chrys gave him an evil eye. “Fine. If it’s somebody important I’ll answer it .” He reached into his pocket and his eye furrowed together when he saw who it was.

“Jay…who is it?” Chrys asked slowly.

“It’s Vi…she never calls me only texts,” he told her looking into her eyes with worry etched in his. “Vi? What’s wrong? What happened?” he asked hurriedly into the phone. Chrys put her spoon down and moved in closer to him. He tilted his phone, so they could both hear.

“Please, just come home. Right now, please. I’m begging you,” she cried into the phone.

“Don’t worry Vi. We’ll be there as soon as possible. Just stay there and try to calm down,” Jace said, trying to reassure her. He hung up and threw a ten on the table. He grabbed her hand and they ran out to the car with the people inside staring at them once again. Jace tried to put the key in, but failed five times. He threw the keys over to Chrys and they switched spots. They got in and took off to his house. She grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.

They arrived at the house in record time. They both raced to the door and ran inside when Chrys unlocked the door.

“Vi!” Jace yelled. He heard a sob from upstairs and booked it to her room with Chrys hot on his heels.

**School's over so expect more updates more often XD hope you enjoyed it if so comment vote fan ;)

****Clay walker- rumour has it.....no not the song you're thinking about im a country girl so my roots are showing right about now haha :D

****pic is people kissing in the rain..i have always loved that pic so ya..lol

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