Daisy's Secret

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“Be right back,” Jace said as he got out of the car. They just nodded their heads at him.

“Chrys I can’t do this. How about we just drop you off and we leave?” Vi asked with panic in her voice once Jace stepped into the theater.

“Nope, you’re going to come in even if we have to drag you. Your ideas are amazing, plus I know Dais and what she likes. She’ll absolutely love all your ideas so stop worrying. You’ll do amazing,”Chrys reassured her.

“Yeah, but...” Vi stopped when she saw her brother step out of the building. “That was fast,” she commented when he got in the car.

“I ran and hid. I was a ninja,” he gave a small chuckle. “I didn’t really want to stay and chat and what’s her face is there, so I definitely didn’t want to stay there or she’d see me and bombard me about Chrys,” he explained. Chrys furrowed her eyebrows and gave him a funny look. He sighed, “Remember the girl from last night, Cheri?” Chrys nodded her head. “Well, she’s been pawing after me since Sara left me. It’s disgusting actually. She tried to get me drunk once but ended up getting herself drunk and she went home with some random guy. I tried to stop her, but the guy almost knocked me out so I let her be. She’s still pissed about that. It happened two weeks ago I think. That’s why she was so hostile to you because she believes that I belong to her.”

“I’m sorry. That must suck,” Chrys said and bit her lips shut.

“You think it’s funny?” he exclaimed. Chrys nodded her head and let out a chuckle. He let out a huff and put on his mad face.

“Oh Jace lighten up. You know you’re faking mad and you have to admit, it is pretty funny,” Vi giggled. Jace couldn’t help it but he started laughing. Soon they were all laughing.

When they calmed down Chrys told them, “I think this is the most I have ever laughed in less than half a day.”

“Hang out with us and you’ll always be laughing,” Jace winked at her. Chrys blushed and looked out the window and saw Daisy’s work building. She couldn’t help but smile. “Where do I park?” he asked. “I normally just drive by and mean to drop her off, but she always chickens out.”

“Go to the parking garage. I have a pass that Daisy gave me in my purse.” She bent down to get her purse. She looked up and he was almost to the entrance. “I left my purse at your house. Uhm stop here and I’ll go talk to Lou to see if he can let us in.” And she got out of the car.

“You ok Vi?” Jace asked. She had been quiet since they had calmed down from their laughing fit.

“Fine,” she mumbled weakly. He grabbed her hand and made her look at him.

“You’ll be fine Vi. Just wait and see,” he tried to soothe her. Chrys got in the backseat and handed him a pass.

“He just laughed when I told him what happened. He figured that it would happen sooner or later,” she laughed. “Just park on the bottom level, she’s doing a shoot, so that’s where she’ll be.” He parked the car and they all got out and started walking to the entrance. Then vi turned around and headed back toward the car. Jace rolled his eyes and ran to her and grabbed her hand and started pulling her to where Chrys was laughing.

“Uh, I changed my mind Jace. Let’s just go home and do this another day,” she said in a rush.

“Havianna, you will never get this chance again. You either go willingly or I will pick you up and put you on my shoulder and carry you in like that. And I don’t think that’ll make a great impression do you?” Jace stared straight into her eyes making her cave. Vi gave a huge sigh and took a small step toward the door, clinging to Jace’s arm. Chrys rolled her eyes and walked behind Vi and gave a little push and they were inside the building.

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