Spaghetti and Sleep

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Chrys hesitantly picked up her phone hoping that it wasn’t Levi. “Who is it Chrys?” Daisy asked cautiously.

Chrys smiled up at her and responded, “Jace being a nummy.”

JACE: I think I’m going to hold your purse hostage ;)

CHRYS: And why would that be? What if I need it tomorrow to get into work?? :P

JACE: The question is do you need it to get into work??

CHRYS: Maybeee :D wanna meet me there so I can have money for lunch since I only work in the morning and night?

JACE: Sure…just text me the address and time although I’d rather meet you later since I have rehersal in the morning since I skipped out ;P

CHRYS: Sorry bout that :/

JACE: Eh no worries my understudy really wanted to be on stage for once

CHRYS: Haha but thanks for that…it really helped well I gotta go or else I’ll burn the meatballs for spaghetti yummy

JACE: Mmm save me some :D I’ll see you tomorrow then

“Chrys stop texting him and save those meatballs!” Daisy yelled. “I wanna eat good spaghetti not burnt.”

“Sorry, I’m comin. Don’t get your panties in a wad,” Chrys stuck her tongue out and took the meatballs out and let them cool before adding them to the pasta and sauce. She set the pot on the table where Tabby was already eating her soup. Daisy wasted no time in filling her plate. “You hungry or what?”

“Hey! I haven’t eaten since breakfast because of that photoshoot,”Daisy defended. Chrys held up her hands in surrender and got spaghetti for herself.

“I’m going to go to bed now,” Tabby yawned and her eyes drooping more shut every second.

“Night,” they said at the same time. They both finished eating and Daisy put away the left-overs while Chrys did dishes.

“Can you put some in a bowl that I can take tomorrow?” Chrys asked. Daisy nodded her head and did as she said. “Wanna play a game?”

“Sure but I get to pick,” Daisy grinned at her. Chrys groaned knowing what she was going to pick.

“Please any game but that one,” Chrys begged. Daisy picked up the game and threw it at Chrys. “I can live with this game.” She got up and put the disc in the Wii. “You pick the first song.” Daisy scrolled through the songs and picked ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time’ and grinned at Chrys. “Go figure,” she scoffed. They both played Just Dance 3 for an hour.

“I got my exercise for the day so good-night to you,” Daisy laughed and went to her room.

“It’s only 9:15 lazy bones, let’s watch TV, ”Chrys pleaded.

“Fine, I recorded Jane by Design earlier this week and haven’t had time to watch it,” she sighed laying down on the couch.

“Only you Dais would watch that show being a designer already ,”Chrys rolled her eyes.

“Hey, it has good inspiration so don’t dis it or I’m going to bed,” Daisy pouted. Chrys stifled a laugh and put the show on. “Can I go to bed now since I watched TV with you?” Daisy whined.

“Fine, you can go to sleep. I’ll make my bed and watch some more TV.” Daisy just nodded her head and went to her bedroom after checking on Tabby.

Chrys went down the hall to the cabinet to get some blankets and a pillow. When she set up her bed, she started flipping through the channels, not finding anything interesting to watch Chrys got out her phone and saw it was 9:30. ‘He’s probably still awake unlike Vi,’ she thought to herself.

CHRYS: How do you stand watching TV ‘til 11??

JACE: Easy… I’m a guy. I find more shows interesting than you ;) Go to channel 108 lol

CHRYS: haha very funny. I do not want to watch some sappy love drama after yesterday and today:P

JACE: why?? What happened today after we left??

CHRYS: Bad news- went to my old house to find Levi with another girl…. Kinda expected it… cussed at me but at least I’m coping well thanks to you. Good news- Dais adopted a girl that I met while leaving the orphanage, she was coming in.

JACE: First off… sorry ‘bout what happened, but glad I could help :D Well I’m happy for her. It looked like she needed a break. But doesn’t it make you happy in a way though knowing your best friend adopted an older kid and not a toddler?

CHRYS: It does actually but at first that was her second option. She tried A.I. for about 5-6 months but it didn’t take so then she adopted and older on because of me.

JACE: Maybe it was fate she didn’t get prego….

CHRYS: Great… you’re one of those who believe in fate XP

JACE: Sometimes…yes… I believe it was fate that me and her broke up and we met… I needed a friend as corny as it sounds but is believing in fate that bad?

CHRYS: Yes because it also means the bad… the orphanage parents dying, Levi…

JACE: But those things made you who you are. From knowing you from one day I know that you’re independent, strong-willed don’t put up with crap… I know for fact if Levi didn’t get you out when he did you’d have forced a dance instructor to watch you so you could live on your own, and look what you did to him when he made you go to the art gallery. Oh and from the way you looked in the bathroom that was the first time you’d cry in a long time.

He waited fifteen minutes for a reply.

CHRYS: Thanks Jace, for everything… looking after me yesterday… maybe changed my mind about fate lol

JACE: I already told you I’m here for you anytime. Did you end up watching the Hallmark channel? Haha

Jace waited 30 minutes for a reply, then and hour. He smiled to himself.

JACE: Goodnight Chrys. Sweet dreams. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow ;)

Vi waited until she was positive that Jace was sound asleep. When Vi got next to him and gave a small giggle at how he slept with his head tilted back with his mouth open and drool slipping out, his hands by his head, his left clutching his iPhone. She took a picture and snuck out of his room and into hers quickly.

 VI: Look at how my dorky brother sleeps lol

**been busy sorry but i was finally able to upload :P enjoy comment vote anything helps :D sorry for the sucky title though haha pic of Jace on the side ;)

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