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Chrys jumped awake from a nightmare and Jace’s eyes shot open immediately. “Hey what’s wrong?” he whispered.

“Dream from the beginning of our relationship to the end and I saw everything that was wrong with it. I just can’t believe I fell for all of it,” she whispered back and stared into his eyes, searching for something to comfort her.

“Chrys, we already talked about this, so there’s no need to keep worrying about it. We both know why you did it. Just put it behind you because he’s out of your life and I’ll make sure it stays like that I promise. Let’s just go back to sleep. We could both use a couple more hours,” he told her softly and pushed a stray hair behind her ear.

“I don’t know if I can go back to sleep. I don’t want to see it again,” she said burying her head into his chest.

“And you won’t. I know you’re most vulnerable when you’re tired or sleeping but do you remember what you told me before you went to sleep?” he asked. She shook her head. “You told me I can keep him away and to stay with you and I plan to do just that.” Chrys’s cheeks were burning. She didn’t mean to say that out loud, but she always says what she thinks when she’s tired.

He started to rub her back and her eyes slowly started to shut until her breathing was light and even again. Jace couldn’t go back to sleep so he checked his phone to see the time. It was almost 6 which would mean his parents would be awake soon. It was going to be hell when they saw him and Chrys like this. But he didn’t care because for one night he got to hold her in his arms. He kissed the top of her head and soon enough heard his parents getting ready and coming downstairs. He closed his eyes quickly and pretended to be asleep.

“Lance, just look at them. And they both say that they’re just friends. It may be true now, but not for long. I just hope that they’re not stupid enough to deny it. Maybe we can give them a little push,” Mary whispered as they were coming down the stairs.

“Mary, let them be. If they’re meant to be together it will happen over time. Plus, she just got out of a long relationship. She must be fragile right now. Didn’t you notice she wouldn’t talk during dinner or afterwards, at least to us anyways? What did you ask her to make that happen?” he asked harshly.

“I just asked who Levi was, nothing more. I was going to ask her more questions but ding-dong over there interrupted us.”

“He was listening to your conversation Mary. Me and Vi saw him. And quite frankly I’m glad he was. The poor girl could’ve started crying. He already cares about her and is also protective of her, so it’s only a matter of time before he ends up falling for her. And if I know my son like I do, I know that he won’t deny those feelings and continue being there for her, no matter what. So like I said before Mary, leave them be,” he said sternly.

“Oh alright Lance, I’ll stay out of it and not ask any more questions. Happy?”

“Extremely,” he smiled and kissed her. “Now let’s make some breakfast.”

Jace smiled and was glad that his dad could make his mom agree to anything. He eventually fell back into a light sleep after pulling Chrys closer to him.

An hour later, Vi came down the stairs grumbling about having to get up. She stopped in her tracks when she saw her brother and Chrys. She snorted. “Go figure. Oh well perfect Kodak moment, if you ask me.” She took out her phone and snapped a picture of them. She walked into the kitchen and showed her parents the picture she managed to get.

Jace woke up and looked down at Chrys to find her slightly smiling. ‘At least she’s having a good dream now,’ Jace thought. He smirked and brushed her hair out of her face. Her eyes slowly fluttering open. Beautiful was the only word he could use to describe her in that moment. Her long, red hair everywhere, her eyes adjusting to the light and her lips still in a small smile. “Morning Beautiful,” he chuckled.

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