Jail and Play

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“Vi, get up. We have to go somewhere in a little bit,” Jace said, shaking her shoulder. Vi groaned and pulled the covers over her head. “Don’t make me get the bucket.” She shot straight up.

“You wouldn’t,” she glared at him. Jace smirked and walked out of her room into his. “I’m gonna go make breakfast, just come downstairs when you’re done.”

Chrys stuck her head out of the bathroom door and asked slyly, “What are you making?”

“That’s for you to find out.” He walked over to her and kissed her nose. She crinkled her nose and tilted her head up for a kiss on the lips.

“Now you can go make breakfast,” she smiled at him closing the door behind her. Jace laughed and went downstairs to start cooking.

Chrys walked out of the bathroom after finishing her hair. She walked across to Vi’s room to find an outfit on the bed with a note on it.

“Picked these out for you…thinking about going to Daisy’s and grabbing some clothes of yours to keep here…just a thought ;)”

“Thank-you Vi,” she called into the bathroom.

“Welcome!” she screamed over the shower. Chrys gave a chuckle and changed into the clothes laid out. Vi walked out of the bathroom towel drying her hair. “I’m good aren’t I?”

“Yes, yes you are. Thanks, you’re the best,” Chrys replied giving her a hug.

“I know,” Vi said fluttering her eyes. “By the way do you know where we’re going?”

“Of um, nope. No clue at all,” she said quickly and walked out.

“Chrys get back here! I know you know!” she yelled down the hall.

“No I don’t!” Chrys shouted. She reached the bottom of the stairs and stopped. She smelled cinnamon and that only meant one thing. “You baked cinnamon rolls?! I haven’t had these in forever.” She looked up at Jace like a little kid in a candy store.

“You look adorable like that,” Jace smiled. She stuck her tongue out at him. “Not so much like that though.”

“Shut-up. Are they done yet?” she asked peeking over his shoulder into the oven.

“You need patience,” he kissed her. “Five more minutes, though. Vi should be ready by then. Oh forgot wanna help with the drizzle stuff?”

“Drizzle stuff?” He nodded his head. “I guess so as long as there’s no food fight.”

“Deal,” he promised while grabbing two bowls.

Vi walked into the kitchen right when the stove dinged. “Where are we going Jace? I won’t freak out or anything. Plus I’m looking forward to your play tonight.”

“Fine,” he sighed and gave her a plate with two cinnamon rolls. “The police station called last night and wants us to go down there to confirm that this guy is Timothy Jenson and some other stuff.” Vi went pale and stopped chewing.

She eventually swallowed it and said, “All right, you just have to be next to me the entire time. OK?” Jace nodded his head and grabbed the drizzle.

A few minutes later they were all piled into the car and heading to the substation. Fifteen minutes of silence after they were there. Vi griped Jace’s arm and they all walked in.

“Mr. Brown I presume?” an officer came up to them and asked. Jace nodded his head. “I’m Officer Nick Conda. I’m glad you could manage to come this morning.” He offered his hand and Jace shook it. “Right this way, then.” He walked to the back and through a door with all three following. He stopped in front of a cell in the very back. Vi gave a small shriek and clung to Jace.

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